MacDonell, John. Description of Lake Athabasca and the Chipweans, ca. 1805 and Journal of a Voyage from Lachine to Fort River Qu'Appelle, 1793. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0005

[-]dance, Eagles, Vultures (oiseau Puant)[,] Crows and Rooks, a variety of Hawks, and Owls[.] The water fowls are Pelicans, Swans of two kinds, Grey or Bustard Geese of two kinds, stock Ducks (canard de France), several kinds of Teals and Divers or Poule d'Eau; with beavers, Otters, and Musk Rats, weazels and two kinds hare; i.e[.] the common wood and the lievre de Prairie twice his size[.] Pheasants are very plenty about as bid as house hens, something like the Grouse or Moor fowl at home[.] The River is stocked with the following fish viz = Sturgeons which ascends it to spawn in the spring of the year, Breams, suckers or carpes, Pike, Doré, Cat fish or Barbue, Mullets, Mâe Ashigan called by the men Mâle Achigan and Nacaishe[.] The men call these latter Lacaiche, and they abound in some Places to that degree that I caught a score of them with a hook while the



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