McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Friday 24th Jan. 1800[.] Snowing all this Day[.]

Saturday 25th[.] Lambert caught a Black fox in his Trap[.]

Sunday 26th[.] Nothing New[.]

Monday 27th[.] Nothing New[.]

Tuesday 28th[.] This Evening Genereux, who left this about the Middle of Septr in order to go with the Poile & Laviolette on Poroles to the Carribou Country, arrived[.] He left La Violette at Pointe de Roche and the Poile at the other end of this Lake in the Month of October Since which time he & Laviolette missed often being starved to Death through hunger having had nothing from that Indian at their Departure but 2 handfuls of pounded Meat which was all he could give them being Starving himself & so Sick that he could not hunt[.] [I]t was this want of provisions that induced them to leave this Indian who refused to return along with them as he did not yet see any of his Relations but intended, as he told them, to go in Search of them towards Lac Noir as soon as he would recover from his illness[.] This is Genereux Account[.] Now my Account is, (tho Setting all the time in this Fort) that Genereux & La Violette having left this Place with an intention to get women were entirely discouraged at the prospect of finding none; that the Poile got Jealous of them on account of his women to take care of whom he feigned to be sick & remained in his Lodge at the risk of Starving both himself & the frenchmen; and that the Frenchmen no less in want of eating than R—ing Quarrelled the Poile to send him a hunting so as to furnish them wherewith to satisfy both – but upon his refusal they quarrelled him still more & bid him adieu[.]

Wednesday 29th[.] Gave St André who came from Pointe de Roche with Genereux 1 Phial of Engagemen[t]. They went away[.] J. Bouché arrived wth 80 or 90 pieces of Fish for him and Cadien Blanc[.] Sent Cadien another Net that he may catch enough of fish to feed him here in the Spring & therefore be less expensive to the Hangard[.]

Thursday 30th[.] Bouche went away[.]

Friday 31st[.] As we were going to bed Laprise & a Beaver Indian arrived from the Slave Country Gentleman with Letters[.] This is the 13th Day since their Departure from Slave Lake[.] Gave Laprise 1 foot Tobc & a piece to the Indian with a Dram &c. &c. Laprise had about 6 pounds of Pimecan remaining which he delivered[.] This is my fifth year in this Country – & have seen often enough french men arriving from making voyages yet this is the first of them I have seen deliver any remainder of provisions[.] When they leave a post they take good care to be provided with more provisions than they can easily cram into them till they arrive at the Next but when they come to that next post if they are asked avez vous manqué des vivres ou bien avez vous eu assez? – their answer is nous or Je avons eu assez mais Je avons mangé le dernier heir au soir or if they want to get some thing to eat immediately on arrival their are generally two soirées depuis qu'ils ont rien mis dans leur Corps[.]


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 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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