McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Saturday 18th Janry 1800 Contd

Carribou Robe, 2 Ditto Capots, 2 M. Amm., 3 flints, 1 Firesteel 1 Gun worm, 1 awl, 1 Carribou skins dressed with the Hair on to make Mittens &c. Told them to go as slow as they pleased so as to prevent them from catching the Mal de Raquetts[.] I would have given them another Man to make the road easier for Mr Wentzel in order to enable him to arrive sooner at the Forks but as there is no necessity for such a hurry I preferred telling them to take their time even 15 Days if they could not do it in less rather than send a Man more than was required to be fed there upon Meat – besides I could hardly spare more provisions than they got – there being being scarce enough for the other Expresses[.] Wrote St Germain per this opportunity[.] Greased the Guns in the shop[.] Cold Day[.]

Sunday 19th[.] In the Morning Landrie's Fyr in Law arrived[.] Gave him a bit of Tobacco[.] In the Evenning Ettier arrived from the Little Island[.] He is afraid not to be sent to Isle a la Crosse with the Letters on the arrival of those of the Peace River[.] He begged and prayed to be allowed to go which I promised him upon Condition that he would come back again or send a better Man in his place[.] But as he is a rascal I doubt his veracity & will break my promise by sending another if any can be found that will suit the occasion so well as he[.] He deserves to be kept were it for no other reason than to be made an Example of for having Deserted in the English Lake which makes him dread remaining till Mr Finlays arrival so much[.]

Monday 20th[.] Ettier went away[.] Gave him old Maitres for his Net – tho' he be a rascal he must get his Necessaries like all the others of the same Denomination in this place[.] Landrie's Fyr in Law paid all his Credits, 6 Sks, and traded 5 Do[.] Lambert shot 3 partridges and missed 4 Do[.]

Tuesday 21st[.] Nothing[.]

Wednesday 22nd[.] Vermette & Parranteau arrived from the Little Isle[.] Soon after arrived that Man Sans Souci, Beau chimin[.] The Men at Pointe de Roche turned this [Statue] off the Beginning of winter because he would do nothing but Sleep & eat & now Labri, who took him then en picquer, sends him again about his Business from the Same reason[.] Having no other resource left for his maintainance he has come here to consult about he easiest & best Method to be adopted so as to obtain & secure that great point[.] As he is a Stout lusty Strong Numskull my Conseil was, to go to Pointe de Roché immediately & if the Men there refused to give him his share of the Agres or feed him by fair that he might force them to do either by foul Means – he promised Compliance[.] He made several of the Men at Pointe de Roche Serrer La Queue already[.] Snowed all Day[.]

Thursday 23rd[.] Sent Labri Some fresh Meat as payment for 10 white fish sent by him yesterday per the above Men[.] Lambert set an Iron trap au Trou a Bois to catch [t]he wolf[.] Snowed again this Day[.]


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