McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Satur. 4 Janry Contd

wood and that of Loyez[.] The six Montagners who arrived yesterday went off this Morning[.] N.B. The Dog which Cadien & Bouché ate on their last Trip to starve belongs to the Company & was bought of Picote for the Size of a Cote de Boeuf of an old Lodge. Bouché however had a Dog of his own along with him as eatable as that of the Company[.] Fine weather[.] A shower of Rain fell this Morning[.]

Sunday 5th[.] Mandeville delivered Lafleur's Cord wood[.] Cadien returned 6½ Measures of the Amm: he had to go in Land – Bouché returned 6 Ditto[.] Gave them 15 Hooks with Lines an old Cod Line, an old Net & one New Net which they are to take from F. LaBri, I mean only the New Net from L[.]

Monday 6th[.] This Morning Hache who arrived here with Cadien after accompanying him on his starving excursion went away so as to trench towards Lac Des Brochets[.] Masquawsis being weary of the sedentary Life of a Cook went with Hache this morning to accustom himself to that of a Montagner and also to pay a few Credits he owes[.] Gave him a single Carriboux robe & 10 whitefish[.] I would have asked him to stay in order to interpret were I not afraid that it would spoil him more, by making him think himself of more consequence than he really is, than it would do good to the Company to Keep him as I don't expect many Montagners till his return[.] Fine weather[.] The snow melted of the Houses[.]

Tuesday 7th[.] The snow melted of the houses the same as yesterday[.]

Wednesday 8th[.] Mandeville and Lattinville arrived from the old Fort. The former brought 100 whitefish to Cadien le Blanc & returned 20 Ditto he had borrowed here when cutting his cord wood[.] He gave Cadien the largest & the smallest to me – of this piece of Canadien Hoggishness I did not fail to speak to him not for the value of the difference in size in 20 whitefish but merely to let him see that I was not so blind to perceive his Hoggish Tricks as he as well as all frenchmen are apt to eat the best themselves instead of offering it to a person in my place of whose services they are every moment in need & whose patience they often tire at the expense of their Employers without a thank to either[.] These Men inform us that there is a Band of Montagners encamped on Bustard Island but had not the curiosity to go & see who they were and where bound to[.] The truth is they did not smell that these Montagners had any Meat[.] Lambert fired & missed upon a wolf[.]

Thursday 9th[.] Mandeville, Lattinville, Cadien & Bouché went off[.] The first two for the old Fort & the two latter to fish at L'Isle Brulé[.] Lambert Deliver’d Joseph Neau's Wood[.] Mandeville asked to go with Mr Wentzel to the Forks[.]

Friday 10th[.] Lambert missed 2 shots upon a partridge which he attributes to the badness of his Fusil – but we fired it on a mark and found it good[.] Fine Day[.]

Saturday 11th[.] Nothing particular[.]

Sunday 12th[.] Nothing New[.]

Monday 13th[.] Nothing at all[.]


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 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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