McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

– New Year’s Day Continued –

Dram this turbulent ungrateful Man began to Spoil the pleasure of our Entertainment by insulting and Challenging to fight Lambert the man to whom of all the Men present he was most obliged to from the many services he rendered him on account of his deceased Brother[.] The reason that Labri insulted Lambert was the latter’s telling the former that he refused to help in plaistering a house for P. Labri because he might have done it while shamefully playing at Cards at his feet[.] [T]his Labris ridiculous follies & vices are so numerous that without any exaggeration or deviation from the truth I could continue a detail of them to the end of this folio – but as it is altogether unnecessary I fear it might make me appear as foolish and as vicious as himself – however I cannot help observing once for all that I think him the truest picture of a Canadian imaginable – for in him are conspicuously seen all the foolish passions & bad Qualities of that Minotaur[.]

Thursday 2nd[.] LaBri, Dusablon, & Parranteau set out for the little Island – St André & Papin stay here this day through Laziness[.] Gave 18 white fish to them & to the express Men[.] They borrowed 5 more of Mandeville[.] Refused St André a Côté de Boeuf which he meant to give to Papin who has Money & therefore may buy it[.]

Friday 3rd. About 10 o’Clock this Morning Six Montagners with three Trains arrived[.] They came from the Carriboux Country of course have very little to give though a great deal to beg[.] Between Six Stupid lusty fellows they paid 11 skins Credits in furs, traded 4 Do in Peltries, 2 Do Carriboux skins dressd with the pile on, 1 Carribou Robe, 7 Skins fresh Meat, 1 Do babiche & 1 small Callumet[.] Gave them a few Credits as many as I thought they could pay and a few triffles gratis which seem'd to please them & make them promise to behave well & to return here in the Spring with their Credits[.] The Grand Picoté who took a Gun here lately on Credit returned the same Gun broke by these Indians to be Changed with threats not to come to the fort or pay his Credits if refused[.] I sent him back his Gun with word that if he do not come to the fort and pay his Credits according to his promises upon his good treatment when here I do not despair of seeing him sooner or latter and having ample revenge upon his Carcass – which will certainly be the Case if he persists in his obstinacy[.] I am not obliged to Change his broken Gun but he is so to pay his Credits – my revenge therefore will be more Justifiable than his – & the only method to prevent him on any other from doing the Like again.

Saturday 4th[.] I forgot to tell last night that the Spaniard and Ettier set off yesterday morning for the Little Island[.] This Morning Cadien Blanc & Bouché with their families arrived[.] Between three Men & three women they ate nothing since six Days ago, save one Dog, two partridges & 2 hares[.] The Indian Killed nothing since their Departure[.] I told them when they went off that this would happen to them – they were too obstinate to give any Credit to what I said then but now they are convinced of their Error at their Cost and are disposed to believe me better another time[.] La Beccasse went off after delivering his own Cord


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