McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Saturday 5th October 1799. Nothing at […] this day[.]

Sunday 6th[.] Nothing[.]

Monday 7th[.] Nothing[.]

Tuesday 8th[.] Got 120 Candles made by Lambert of which I gave 6 to Lambert himself & 9 to Cadien Blanc[.] The Latter has been begging & praying to get a few before even it entered my head to get any More[.] The Ice began to drive down the river for the first time this fall[.]

Wednesday 9th[.] Lambert began to Cut his Cord wood[.] Sent the Spagnol to fetch the Coals to the Fort – but they are yet on fire[.]

Thursday 10th[.] Killed a Muskrat and a Duck[.]

Friday 11th[.] Cadien & L’Espagnol Set two Nets at the burn Island[.] Three Bitches which the Men left here tore the windows of the Depense last night and ate and destroyed all they could find[.] [A]s a reward for their pains Masquawsis sent them all three to the other world[.]

Saturday 12th[.] Blowing hard and Snowing all day[.] It was with difficulty that I & the other Men could get the Nets out of the La[ke] on account of the Ice[.] There were no more than five pieces of fish in them among which was a Large troute[.] Masquawsis kill[ed] a Partridge and a Muskrat[.] Very Cold Day[.]

Sunday 13th[.] Cold Day[.]

Monday 14th[.] The Spaniard fetched the Coals out of the woods […] the Forge[.]

Tuesday 15th[.] Nothing New[.]

Wednesday 16th[.] Nothing New[.]

Thursday 17th[.] Raining all this Day[.]

Friday 18th[.] Same weather as yesterday[.]

Saturday 19th[.] Snowing all this Day[.]

Sunday 20th[.] Cadien asked the Prey[.] Gave him a Bale of dried Meats which is the Second he has had this fall[.]

Monday 21st[.] Cold day[.]

Tuesday 22nd[.] Same[.]

Wednesday 23rd[.] Nothing[.] The weather as usual[.]

Thursday 24th[.] Took an Inventory of all the Goods remaining in the Indian Shop and afterwards suspended them in the Garret a la [Beury] des Sourris[.] I took this Inventory now in order to find out the Expenses incurred this fall[.] When I began to give Credits to the Indians I had put a sort of a small Equipment apart to be given gra[t]is so [as] to save me the trouble of making an accompt Current but Cadie[n] who assisted me was such a Hurly burly fellow while giving the Credits that sometimes thro’ mistake he would give things for nothi[ng] [o]ut of the Equipment intended to be given on Credit and sometimes give on Credit out of that which was designed to be given for nothing[.] Got two Cases of Guns properly arranged[.] Of this they had a great need being so rusty that the rust had already Penetrated th[…] [t]he foureaux which could not be taken off otherwise than in pieces[.] The Ice continually driving down the River[.] Towards Night we perceived a fire on the Island opposite the fort[.] Whoever made it we cannot Know – but we think they may be from the Forks[.]


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 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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