Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


May 1795

Wednesday 20th May[.] Started along with the Brigade at Sunrise, my Canoe took the lead as before the crew wrought very hard all day[.] [V]ast herds of Buffaloes on each side the River[.] Camp'd near Loge de Paille[.]

Thursday 21st[.] Some rain fell in the morning which occasioned our being late in leaving our Campment[.] Overtook Messrs Grant & Geo. McKays Canoe ashore breakfasting amongst the fine oak grove above the Rapid River where they had Slept[,] Shifted & Shaved[.] Started with them after breakfast & kept in Company with them till we arrived at the Fort of River La Sourie[.] The HB and other Traders Say Mr Goodwin of the former, John Hay, for Mr Rheaume, Henry Boucher fo[r] Causeley Comravan & Co. & the voyaging part David & Peter Grants party gone[.] There were five different Oppositions built here last winter working against one another[.] Jussomme & the Mandan men arrived here with their returns fifteen days ago all but Jos Dubey who deserted from the rest & staid with the Indians of the Missouri[.]

Friday 22nd[.] All the Canoes & Boats arrived[.] Visited the HB House where a clerk & nine men remain to Summer[.] Made up 14 Packs & mark'd Augé's returns[.] Recd from Raphaël Faignan 14 Beaver fo[r] value received of me at River qui appelle and from JBte Bonneau tw[o] Mandau Robes to be Credited his a/ct[.] Next day McCracken paid for two plues Beads he got at mountn a la Bosse & gave two mo[re] to be credited to his account[.]

Sunday 24th[.] The Canoes & Boats went off in the forenoo[n.] Took the Inventory of remains and Started from the Fort of th[e] River La Sourie about 3 pm[.] Augé left in land to take char[ge] of his winter's quarters[.] […] Camp'd a few Poin[ts] lower than the lowest Assinibouan ford or Passage going to t[he] Pine Fort[.] Next day it rain'd so we did not move a Peg[.]

Tuesday 26th May[.] Started at Sunrise arrived at the Pin[e] Fort at 7 AM: where we found Minie's Boat Staved in & Sun[k] by a mass of frozen earth that fell down upon it from th[e] top of a high Bank[.] It took us most of the day to put this Boat in a State to float its load and we got under way at 2 pm[.] Surprised a Band of Buffaloes in the act of f[ordin]g swiming across the River a little below the entrance of River au Cypré out of whic[h] we kill'd a Cow & three Calves besides wounded ones which got off[.] Camp'd where we kill'd these animals[.]

Wednesday 27th[.] Arrived at Portage la Prairie where Mr Wm McKay winterd[.] Here is Still Messrs Rheaume, Laviolette & Hay[.] Messrs Peter Grant & Goodwin passed eight days ago[.]

Tuesday 28th[.] My Bourgeois Sent men & Liquor to the other end of the Portage La Prairie to Sweep the Lodges of their remaing Skins[.]


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 in red , modifications made by the editor(s).
 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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