Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


May 1795

Wednesday 13th[.] The long wish'd for Mr Grant arrived accompanied by Mr Geo: McKay[.] The former quite tired having walk'd from the passage of the Corne du Cerf about 10 miles[.]

Tuesday 14th[.] Gave the Boats their ladings & they Started Shortly after for the Forks[.] Desmarais & Petit Jean went to the Passge of the Corne du Cerf for Some Goods Mr Grant left there for this post, with three Horses to Carry them[.] Took the Inventory & Left the fort on foot for the Forks at fou[r] pm. Arrived at the Forks where the Canoes & Boats were waiting after sun set[.]

Friday 15th[.] Sent the two Boats back to the Fort of River qui appelle with 100 Taureaux we were too deeply laden to embark[.] Mr Grant & Geo. McKay in his Canoe Started for the mountain a la Bosse after the Canoes had got their ladings[.] Received from Allard 11 Beaver & Otters[.]

Saturday 10th[.] Rain'd all day – nothing done[.]

Sunday 17th[.] The Boats return'd light from my winters residence in the evening time enough for me to give them out their Ladings[.] We are now ready to pursue Mr Grant in the morning as well myself as the Brigade in my charge[.]

Monday 18th[.] The Brigade & I left the Forks of the River qui appelle about Sunrise Say 9 Canoes & 3 Boats, well loaded[.] My Canoe having an extra man I took the lead, intending to have Spare time to Hunt, and prepare for the arrival of the other Craft at mountain a la Bosse[.] Observing a good many carcases of Buffuloes in the River & along its banks I was taken up the whole day with counting of them & to my surprise found I had numberd when we put up at night 7360 Drown'd & mired along the River and in it[.] It is true in one or two places I went on Shore & walkd from one Carcase to the other where they lay from three to five files deep[.] Camp'd at the first little plain with a steep high bank below the Grand Bois where we made a good kettle of Beaver, Goose, and Duck[.] Gave my men a Coup & Slept Soundly[.] The Brigade behind[.]

Tuesday 19th[.] Started early, and after travelling about two Leagues overtook & passed two of the Boats who had drifted all night[.] [P]ut ashore to breakfast & Shave a few points lower where two of the Canoes overtook us[.] Arrived at the Mountn a la Bosse whence Mr Grant Started about noon[.] Slept at said Place to give the Ladings to the Craft when they came up which took place with day light[.]


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