Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


May 1795

Wednesday 29th[.] The Boats & Canoes arrived[.] I began to draw up the mens accounts from the different Books kept where they winterd – a troublesome job[.] Paid Rheaume & Laviolette a visit[.] La Fontaine was sent ahead to raise Bark to repair the Canoes[.]

Saturday 30th[.] Tousst Charbonneau was stabbed at the Manitou a bane end of the p.l.p. in the act of committing a Rape upon her Daughter by an old Saultue woman with a Canoe Awl – a fate he highly deserved for his brutality[.] It was with difficulty he could walk back over the portage[.] Got two pacqutons by the Men sent to the other end of the portage[.] Some more of the Canoes went ahead to raise Bark & wood for paddles[.] Laviolette Started down the River[.] Dubois, Desmarais and the remainder of our folks came back from the other end of Portage La Prairie, with ye goods &c remaining[.] La Lance came with them to take up a cache or hoard of Skins he has in this vicinity[.] We are anxious to get these Skins[.] La Lance went into Mr Rheaume's who very hospitably ceded him his own Bed & lay upon the floor himself[.] Watched La lance & Mr Rheaume all night least they should go for the Skins clandestinely before morning[.]

Monday 1st June[.] La Lance Sent for his cache of Skins; Falion & Six men went with him in Mr Grants Canoe – as soon as they came with them we carried them in tryumph into our Store wh[ere] the fellow traded them after agruing with Mr Grant to get Strouds and Blankets for 3 Beavers the piece or Fathom[.] There blew a very Strong Gale from the N.E. all day[.] La La Lances trade added three packs of clear Beaver to our returns[.]

Tuesday 2nd June[.] A Storm of Thunder rain & lightening came on & lasted till 8 AM – So that it was late [be]fore we left the Houses of p.l.p[.] Camp'd at Blondishes Fort[.]

Wednesday 3rd June[.] Overtook Laviolette at the Forks Red River at noo[n] who told us the last of our Canoes only passed him this morng[.] Camp'd a pipe above the River aux Morts[.]

Thurs: 4th June[.] Overtook all our Crafts at the River aux morts[.] Got a Bears Skin & some Beavers from Indians camp'd there in exchange for Rum[.] Enterd Lac Ouinipique & Cross'd over to the Grand Marais where we were stop'd by wind the rest of the day & the who[le] of the next[.] Set fire to the Reeds while made a blazing fire[.]

Saturday 6th[.] Left the Grand Marais tho' it Still blew & reac[hed] Isle a la Biche where we waited our Boats[.] After they came up we proceded and Campd at the Pt au Sable[.] Next mo[rn]ing early arrived at Bas de la Riviere House where we foun[d] Messrs McLellan & La Tour arrived from their winter's qu[art]ers[.] Mr P. Grant Started for GP 6 Days ago[.]


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 in red , modifications made by the editor(s).
 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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