Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


May 1795

Saturday 2nd[.] Desmarais, La Gacer, & Boulet arrived from the Mountain a la Bosse with letters[.] Two Indians sent for Tobacco but did not appear[.] The Foutreaux two Sons came, as we Suppose, to Steal our Horses[.] Their father is dead but from their Dress & behaviour they have not heard of it as yet[.]

Sunday 3rd[.] Le Pere du Grimaceu & La Grûe Blanche came came to trade the former made a present of 6 Buff. Robes, an Otter & 2 Beaver, Gave him ½ a keg[.] Poitras kill'd some fresh meat the first we eat Since we threw away our remains[.]

Monday 4th[.] Made twelve more packs (say in all 82)[.] Had to bring back the old Boat which broke loose & drifted to the Grand Trembliere[.] La Gacer & Bonneau returnd home to the mountain a la Bosse[.]

Tuesday 5th[.] Le frere du Chienfou came in with Robes & Skins but made no present[.] Tabault & five others came on Horseback with some Robes &c[.] They made a present amongst them of 13 Buff. Robes & 4 wolves[.] Gave them in return a large keg[.]

Wednesday 6th[.] Tabault &c went off. Gave him 2 Galls Gratis for future promises of good behaviour[.] A young man came in the evening with a few Robes to trade Tobacco on Horseback[.] Cleaned & Swept before the Fort door to receive the Bourgeois[.]

Thursday 7th[.] Le Colier de fer with a few followers came in & made a present of 12 Buff. Robes, 2 wolves, & 2 ps meat & Grease[.] Gave him in return a chiefs Clothing with the last drop of Rum in the House say ½ a keg[.]

Friday 8th[.] They traded & went off leaving us 4 packs Robes & one of peltries[.] Two young men came from the other side with a few Skins on their Backs & After trading the last of our Tobacco return'd directly[.]

Saturday 9th[.] [F]inished our Packs say 91 in all ie: 42 of all kinds peltries, 4 of Dress'd Skins & 45 of Buffalo Robes[.]

Sunday 10th[.] One of the Grand Cheveu's Sons came on Horse back with only one Beaver Skin[.] Says he had 4 more but lost them on the way[.] He wants Tobacco but we have none for him[.]

Monday 11th[.] Bibau's Assinib. Comarade came & traded 11 Buff. Robes[.] Next day made a pack Robes of yesterday's trade[.] There Sprung up an East wind and Snowed so much that at dusk the ground was covered two fingers thick[.]


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 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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