Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


April 1795

Wednesday 22nd[.] Tabault & his band traded & ascended the Hill to camp & had to wade through two feet water to reach its base[.] The River carried off a number of the pickets laying about the Fort to repair it[.] The River broke up & the Ice drifted off finally in Shoals[.] Half of our garden is under water from the over flowing of the River – also three Corners of the Fort inundated from the same cause[.]

Thursday 23rd[.] Sixty of our packs ready made & pressed[.] All our pounded meat has dried a day in the Sun[.] Three young men came with La Bougresse's Son to buy Tobacco for some furrs they brough[t] upon their backs[.] Next day two young Krees from Mountain du Castor came to the Fort empty handed[.] Made 163 Taureaux[.]

Saturday 25th[.] We would have finished our pimican had there been Taureaux enough served[.] La Graine, Gros Français &c came in with only a few indifferent Robes[.] Gros Français made a present of 7 Buff. Robes & three Bladds Grease[.] Gave him in return ½ a keg[.]

Sunday 26th[.] The whole band went off after trading 30 Buff. Robes & 600 lbs pounded meat[.] The River fell 6 to 8 feet perpendicular these four last days & the water is now confined to the channel[.]

May 27th[.] The water is near as low as at this time last year[.] La Grue came to trade a few Skins on Horseback[.] Caulked [& Launched] our Boats & finished making our pimican say 275 Taureaux[.] The Blk. Smith laid up with the fashionable disorder which determines him to take a trip to Canada to recruit his health tho he is engaged to pass the Summer in land[.]

Tuesday 28th[.] Gummed our Boats & Launched them[.] Started them for the Forks with 138 & 137 Taureaux pineang[e][.] Cato came to trade & paid his credit of 4 Skins – nothing else[.]

Wednesday 29th[.] Le fils du Grand Diable (Cato) went off & the Ruffien came in & made a present of 4 Buff. Robes, 2 wolves & 2 Bladds Grease[,] gave him two Gallons[.] Le frêne les deux Coeurs came to sell a young Slave Girl, which, on my refusal, Poitras purchased[.]

Thursday 30th[.] Petit Jean return'd from Mr Grants who writes me I need not expect him till the 5th or 6th of may[.] The Two Boats return'd light from the Forks having left La Fontaine & Houle to take care of the pimican[.] Grand Diable came to trade a few Buff. Robes accompanied by only one of his wives[.]

May 1795

Friday 1st[.] Jolette, St James, La Brie, & Bellair floated down their Share of pieces for renewing the Grand Maison[.] An Assinib: of the Gens des filles traded 7½ Beavers for Tobacco & went off directly[.] Threw out the remainder of our Stock of fresh meat as it turn'd so mouldy the men would not eat it[.]


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