Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


April 1795

Monday 13th[.] The Indians traded & went off[.] Hauled the Boats a second time the water rising over the Banks[.] Poitras kill'd the first geese & Ducks this Season on which we Supped[.] Cloudy[.]

Tuesday 14th[.] There fell more Snow this day than any one day during the course of last winter, it is a foot deep tho' the warmth of the earth must have melted a quaintity of it[.] It fell all day without intermission[.] Mark'd 30 Skins for Coverings for the packs[.]

Wednesday 15th[.] Snowed incessantly all day again – about 2 feet fresh Snow on the Ground[.]

Thursday 16th[.] The Snow subsided & the Sky cleared up for frost[.] The River fell about 4 feet perpendicular[.] Hauled the Snow out of the Fort[.] Set kegs a Soaking to Salt Tongues in[.]

Friday 17th[.] A thick fog coverd & hid the Sky during great part of the forenoon – After which the Sky cleared the Sun shone and the Snow melted with greater rapidity than any day this Season[.]

Saturday 18th[.] Thawed something, tho' the wind blew hard at N.E. the whole day[.]

Sunday 19th[.] Crossed and recross'd the River on the Ice[.] Jollette & St Pierre returnd from the River la Sourie, with letters from the Portage La Prairie, River La Sourie & Mountain a la Bosse[.] Some rain fell – the Snow melted in many places[.] Vast numbers of water fowl kill'd by all hands[.]

Monday 20th[.] Pere du Grimaceu &c came to trade & made the following presents vizt P. d. Gr. 16 Skins, 3 Buff. Robes & 29 ps meat & Grease Return'd him a large keg[.] He paid his credit & made another present of 10 wolves[,] Gave him in return 3 Galls[.] Le frere de l'Homme aux cheveaux caille, 1 Buff Robe, 18 Skins, & 2 Ducks[,] Gave him 7 Galls[.] Le vieu Grand Cheveux 13 Skins; Gave him 4 Galls[.] Another Assinib. 2 Buff. Robes, 16 skins & 7 Bladds Grease – Gave him 7 Galls[.] La Grue Blanche 5 Buff. Robes & 10 Skins[,] gave him 7 Galls[.] Another Assinibouan 10 Skins, Gave him 3 Galls[.] Began to make up our packs[.] Salted 5 kegs of Tongues[.] [T]hree young Assinibs came from across the River from Lafemalle &c for Tobacco who cross'd upon the Ice at the ordinary ford before the Fort[.] The water rising in the River[.]

Tuesday 21st[.] Tabaults Band & Self arrived & made the following presents vizt Self 35 Skins & his son as many more[.] Gave each of them a large keg & Chiefs Clothing[.] L'Os blanc 5 Buff. Robes & 10 Wolves[,] gave him 6 Galls – a Hat & feather[.] Beauchasseur 3 Buff. Robes & 1 Wolf[,] Gave him 2 Galls[.] Petit Jean went to Mr Grant's with letters – & Desmarais for River la Sourie with dispatches[.] The River overflowed its banks So much that we tied the Boats to the Fork pickets[.]


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