Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007

April 1795

30 Wednesday 1st[.] A Stormy boisterous day[.] A current of water running over the Ice[.]

Thursday 2nd[.] Lafontaine & his wife started for the River la Coquille with three Horses[.] Beaufils de Minie came in from Montagne d'Orignal for Tobacco[.] Cold[.]

Friday 3rd[.] B. Fils de Minie went away[.] L'oge d'orignal peinturé sent sent his writ for Tobacco, omitted yesterday, La Bougresse sent his writ for Tobacco & Ammn[.] Still freezing hard[.]

Saturday 4th[.] Ls Bte Houle return'd from Mountn la Bosse[.] St Pierre & Fras Houle came from the same place for goods[.] The fellows who brot the fresh meat went away

Sunday 5th[.] Two Assinibouans came in with (ten say 10) Dogs loaded with fresh meat which I refused to trade[.] One of them pestered me a long time to accept the favors of his young wife & made use of strong arguments to convince me of the goodness of the lady in question – but to no purpose[.]

Monday 6th[.] A young Indian came for Tobacco before I was up & return'd immediately without waiting an instant for it[.] Two others arrived with four or five Skins on their backs to buy Tobacco & slept in the Fort[.] The fellows who brought the fresh meat went away last night[.] St Pierre & Fras Houle return'd home to Mountain a la Bosse with Goods[.]

Tuesday 7th[.] He who sent the impatient emissary for Tobacco yesterday came to trade – made no presents intending to buy sundry kinds of goods to offer in Sacrifice to the Master or Author of Life[.]

Wednesday 8th[.] The Savage who came yesterday traded his few Robes & went away[.] Old Boiteu's Son came with a Horse to Sell, which I declined purchasing[.] Froze all day[.]

Thursday 9th[.] Boiteu Son went off with his Horse[.] Swans and geese were seen flying by the first time this year[.] Upon an alarm of Thieves took the Horses (who had run loose in the plains all winter) into the Fort[.]

Friday 10th[.] Numbers of Swans were seen flying past & fired upon by the men without effect[.] Thawed considerably[.]

Saturday 11th[.] La Fontaine, St Denis & Ducharme returnd from River La Coquille – the former having left his Horses & old Mary his wife in charge of his Indians friends for the Summer[.] Four young Assinibs came for Tobacco[.] The Horses Sleep every night in the Fort for fear of the thieving Assinibs[.]

Sunday 12th[.] An Assinibs arrived & made a present of 5 Buff. Robes, and a Lodge of 11 Skins[.] Return'd him ½ a keg[.] The water rose so that we hauld outr Boats higher up[.] The Ice breaking fast[.]


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