Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


March 1795

Sunday March 1st[.] [A] very fine day[.]

Monday 2nd[.] Cut 140 additional Taureaux[.] Michinaway du Chienfou came in & made a present of 8 Buff. Robes – returnd him ½ a keg[.]

Tuesday 3rd[.] LaBrie, Charbonneau, & one of Peter Grants men came from Mountain a la Bosse who brought me 10 Carrots Tobacco[,] 7 Dozn La. knives, 12 Dozn Small Do[.] Swept the Snow off the Hangard[.] [A] Strong thaw these 3 days[.]

Wednesday 4th[.] Young Azure, Labrie, Fortin La branche Peter Grants men Started for the Upper Fort Mr Grants[.] Petit Jean, Gadorie & Ducharme arrived from Mount a la Bosse about mid-day & brought a Roll Brazil and ½ a Sac flour[.] St Denis, Charbonneau, & St Pierre set out for Mountn a la Bosse to court the Foutreau's daughter a great beauty[.] The opposite hills bare in many places – thawing fast[.]

Thursday 5th[.] Six men arrived from Mr Grants for pieces & two from River La Coquille on the same errand – one of them a Ft Dauphin man say Fras Faignan[.]

Friday 6th[.] Gave the upper Fort men their pieces & wrote to Mr Grant[.]

Saturday 7th[.] La Bine & the other men from above Started for home[.]

Sunday 8th[.] Four young Assinibs came for Tobacco &c from the Grand Diables Lodges[.] They made a present of 10 plues for Rum, Gave them 3 Gallons[.] Ls Houle's wife brought to bed of a Daughter[.]

Monday 9th[.] Bellair & Coquotte came from Mountain a la Bosse to Stay here the one having changed with Charbonneau & the other with Bedard[.]

Tuesday 10th[.] An Assinib. arrived for Tobacco saying his lodge is but a Short way off at a Cow he kill'd on his way to the Fort & will be in tomorrow morning[.]

Wednesday 11th[.] Some of the above mentioned Indians appearing I suspect the fellows told a pack of lies[.] Shovelled out a few Inches snow that fell last night[.] Next day more snow fell – nothing else[.]

Friday 13th[.] Faignan's nephew from Ft Dauphin endeavor'd to return home but missing the route in the Prairie de la Corne de Cerf Cerf returnd to the Fort confused[.]

Saturday 14th[.] St Denis & St Pierre returnd from Mountain a la Bosse with the afflicting news of poor John Miln's death which happen'd last Sunday 8th Instant[.] His sickness & death both happen'd suddenly & shows how necessary it is to be prepared for that awful change that cannot be reacted over again[.]

Sunday 15th[.] La Binne & Sayent came from Mr Grants with letters from Messrs Thorburn, Grant & Falion[.] Mr Grant writes me has now on hand 24 Bales Furrs & the latter sixteen – About 60 packs[.]

Monday 16th[.] The first thaw these 10 days[.]


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 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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