Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Jany '95

and requested them to come & see men when they had any thing worth while[.] Gave Faignan 3 Skins Amunition making him in all 10 Skins he has had[.] Falardeau kill'd two Cows[.]

Saturday 24th[.] Poitras adopted son & Shishikoé came with very little Trade[.] [T]hey made a present of 9 Skins, 7 ps meat & 9 fresh Tongues, gave them ½ a keg[.] Sent by them to La Graine & band 3 Galls Rum some Ammunition & Tobacco[.] Sent a pipe Tobacco […] to La Graine's beaupere & Le Rufien[.] Faignean killd 3 Cows & Falardeau 2 Do & one Calf[.]

Sunday 25th[.] Omitted Yesterday[.] Jollette return'd from Shell River, I sent two Men to mountain la Bosse the Forks to see how they fared there, they found Mr Peter Grant there on his return from the River a la Sourie & Mountain la Bosse, from whence he had sent Cardin on a trading voyage to the Missouri[.] By these two men he sent me a line from Augé he had brought from the River La Sourie being too far out of his way to come with it himself[.] Shishikoé went off having traded yesterday[.]

Monday 26th[.] Lafrêniere & two other men arrived from the Upper Fort[.] They brough me letters from Messrs Grant & Geo. McKay[.]

Tuesday 27th[.] Equip'd 7 men to go & trade with the mandans &c on the Missouri – least Cardin & Peter Grants men should have it all their own way[.] Faignan kill'd 4 Cows, Falardeau two & a half & Ls Houle one[.]

An Assinibouan sent by the Michinaway du Chien fou came in for Tobacco & told such a Story as made the men give in the goods they had taken on Credit & give up the Missouri voyage altogether[.] The Indians we deal with have quarelled with & are at war with those of the Missouri – in these quarrels they are generally the agressors ie: our Indians[.]

Wednesday 28th[.] The Assinib. went away[.] Hauld home the meat of yesterdays hunt[.] Falardeau & Houle kill'd each a Cows[.] Gave each of them 2 Pluës Ammn[.]

SaturdThursday 29th[.] Nothing[.] 30th[.] Faignan kill'd 2 Cows[.]

Saturday 31st[.] Faignan kill'd 2 Cows, Falardeau 2, & Houle 2[.] Snowed at night[.]


Sunday 1st[.] There fell about six inches Snow since last night[.] Drew home the Meat of yesterday's Hunt[.]

Monday 2nd[.] La Binne & two more men came from Mr Grants[.] They brought me a letter from my worthy Bourgeois[.]

Tuesday 3rd[.] An Assinib. came from the Têtes d'hommes, says they are 60 Lodges together – he brought nothing[.]

Wednesday 4th[.] Grand Diable Cato &c Sent for Tobacco they [a]re to be in tomorrow[.] Eleven young men emissaries slept in the Fort[.]

Thursday 5th[.] Grand Diables whole band arrived[.] His Secretary made a present of 20½ Skins[,] 20 ps meat[,] gave him a keg[.] Cato 9 Buff. Robes[,] 27 Fresh tongues & 8 ps meat and Grease, a keg also[.] L'Os blanc 11 Wolves & 46 ps meat & Grease, a keg also[.] Beauchasseur 1 Buff. Robe[,] 17 ps meat & Grease Gave ½ a keg; Young man 7 Skins & 13 ps meat & Grease, half a keg also[.] They made a number of Smaller presents at night which were paid at the Same Rate[.] Faignan killd 3 Cows[.]

Friday 6th[.] The whole band traded[.] Cato made a present of 10 Skins[,] 4 Buff. Robes & 10 ps meat & Grease[,] gave him 7 Galls[.] Next day they all went away[.] Tied up 5 Bales Robes & 2½ peltries[.] 8th[.] [N]othing worth noting[.]


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