Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


December 1794

Saturday 20th[.] Le Beauchasseur came in & made a present of 14 Skins, 2 Buffs Robes and 20 ps Meat & Grease[.] Gave him a keg[.] He traded a few Skins in the evening[.]

Sunday 21st[.] Sent three men to the Mountain a la Bosse & two to the Pine Fort River La Sourie for pieces[.] Le Beau Chasseur went away[.]

Monday 22nd[.] Petit Jos return'd from the Forks armes et Bagage to hunt for us[.] Sent La Binne & St Dennis started for River la Coquille with a keg of HWs & a Roll Spencers twist[.]

STunesday 23rd[.] Paulet & Sansouci arrived from the Upper Fort with the Melancholy news of Mr Grants being confined to his bed with sickness these 8 days[.] Faignan kill'd a Cow – and Falardeau who had gone hunting this morning slept out[.] Pe Desmarais & Charbonneau return'd from La Graines with the Horse they went for[.]

Wednesday 24th[.] Le Gros français & Grand nez &c came in & made the following presents vizt Le Gros Français 14 Skins[,] 2 Buff. Robes & 13 ps meat & Grease[.] Le Grand nez 20 Wolves & 20 ps meat & Grease[,] m[eat] & Gave the former 7 Galls & the latter a keg[,] L'arc Rouge 13 wolves & 50 fresh Tongues, Gave him 7 Galls[.] L'Homme qui s'Encule 10 wolves, 2 Buff Robes & 10 ps meat & Grease, Gave him also 7 Galls[.] [F]our young men came with a few Skins on their backs which they traded for Tobacco[.] Sansregret alias Paulet & Sansouci return'd to Mr Grants with all the Jesuits Bark I had[.] Gave the Gros Français &c several fioles gratis last night[.]

Thursday 25th[.] Le Gros Français &c went away after leaving with us 120 Skins & 16 Buff. Robes[.] Claude & Bonneau return'd from Mountn a la Bosse with 4 Pieces[.]

Friday 26th[.] Falardeau killd 3 Cows & a last years calf[.] Tied up1½ Bales Wolves & 2 Bales Robes[.] [An assinibouan …]

Saturday 27th[.] Falardeau killd two Cows[.] The above mentioned Indian went away about mid night[.] Arranged Faignan's House to put the fresh meat in[.] Falardeau kill'd a Cow[.] Sunday 28th[.] [N]othing occurd[.]

Monday 29th[.] Three young men came for Tobacco from the Vent du Sud Borgue &c – who Slept three nights coming[.]

Tuesday 30th[.] I kill'd an old Bull at the Prairie a la Paille[.] Two young Assinibs Came to trade Tobacco, Rum & Ammn with 11 Skins on their Backs[.]

Wednesday 31st[.] The five Young men who arrived the two preceding days went off[.] Sent St Dennis & Charbonneau with them with two Galls Rum for Tabault & one Gallon for Chienfou's brother[.]

Jany 1795

Thursday 1st[.] After the morning dram gave the men two Galls French Rum with about a fathom Tobacco[.] They drank little in the course of the day[.]

Friday 2nd[.] An Assinibouan came & traded 3 Buff. Robes, two Dress'd Skins & some meat & Grease[.]

Saturday 3rd[.] Jos Falardeau kill'd 2 cows; The assinibouan Started about midnight[.]

Sunday 4th[.] Faignan & Falardeau who are engaged to hunt for the Fort had the former 3 Pluès Ammunition & Falardeau 5½ Pluès[.]

Monday 5th[.] St James, St Pierre, Bedard, La Couture, Pierre Alain, and Garreau arrived from River la Souris with pieces[.] The latter staid behind at the foutreau's Lodge[.] Gave them a keg of 1 Gallon Rum he had of his own & that not Sufficing, to get the Foutreau's Daughter as he expected he pierced the keg Hwines he had in change & gave of it to the Indians, pure,


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