Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


December '94

Saturday 6th[.] Poitras took a hunting tour but met with nothing[.]

Sunday 7th[.] [N]othing particular[.]

Monday 8th[.] Le Grand Diable or Misteek Wattakay ie. Pine de Bois's Son Cato came to trade & made a present of 29 Skins & 19 ps meat & Grease for which he was clothed & had a keg[.] His associate made a present of 20 Wolves for which he had a big keg[.] Neil McKay came from the Forks having miss'd his way & taken 8 days from the mountain a la Bosse to come here a distance not over 20 Leagues[.] Bellegarde & he were fellow travellers to the Forks[.] Bellegarde has 8 pieces in Change with which he is going to the coude de L'homme or at Least Rivere La Coquille[.] Mr Geo. McKay Likewise arrived after dark from the Mountain a la Bosse in two days[.] He left one of his men (a pork eater) that could not follow him by the way, & being a Stranger I fear he may get lost & Sent off two men instantly to look for him[.]

Tuesday 9th[.] Mr Geo. McKay Started for Mr Grants River La Coquille after Breakfast[.] McKay's lost pork eater came upon us to from the forks having Slept at Fourniers[.] Michinaway du chien fou &c arrived & made the following presents himself 13½ Skins, 3 Buff. Robes , 22 ps meat and Grease[,] gave him a keg[.] Old Boitue's son made one of 11 Skins 48 Buff. Tongues & 8 ps Dd meat, Gave him 7 Galls[.] Cato staid to drink with them[.] I wrote Messrs Grant & Thorburn[.]

Wednesday 10th[.] Neil McKay & the Upper Fort men went off at day light[.] Kékékogouine and the old Scioux came to trade; The former made a present of 20 Skins & 19 Blads Grease[,] gave him a large keg, He paid his Credit of four Skins. Tied up two Bales Furrs[.]

Thursday 11th[.] Kékékogouine &c traded & went off[.] Tied up a Bale wolves[.] Bonneau went to the Forks to bring Jos Falardeau[.] Faignan kill'd a Cow which he put into the Store the first that entered this year[.]

Friday 12th[.] Bonneau & Jos Falardeau return'd from the Forks[.] The latter does not deny his having hunted for Fournier[.]

Saturday 13th[.] Louis Houle & Tousst Charbonneau return'd from River La Coquille[.] I wrote to Messrs Wm McKay, John Miln & Augé[.]

Sunday 14th[.] Sent off four men to mountain a la Bosse, three to return & one to remain there[.] The men Drank at night[.]

Monday 15th[.] I sent Jos Falardeau & Petit Jean to hunt Buffalo, they Slept out[.] [A] beautiful day[.]

Tuesday 16th[.] La Graine arrived en traite & made a present of 12 Skins & 20 ps meat & Grease, gave him a large keg[.] At night he made another present of ten Skins for a Chiefs Coat, hat & Shirt & feathers which I gave him, Le Rufien made a present of 7 Skins & 25 ps meat & Grease; Gave him 7 Galls[.] Brought home the Meat of 2 Cows Falardeau and Petit Jean killd yesterday[.]

Wednesday 17th[.] La Graine &c traded & went off. Sent Charbonneau and Little Desmarais with them for a Horse I bought from Poitras adopted son – for 30 Skins in minuteries[.] Falardeau went to the Forks to bring his goods & Chattles to this place[.]

Thursday 18th[.] Made 280 Candles[.] Friday 19th[.] Three men arrived from River La Coquille. Faignan & La Binne came from Mountn a la Bosse with 2 pieces & they report that the Missouri men are arrived[.]


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