Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Novr '94

terms asked me goods that would amount to an hundred pluës[.]

Friday 21st[.] I chased a Bull all day, but did not get him[.] Severe clear weather[.]

Saturday 22nd[.] A mild day[.] Faignan hauled four Cords of wood for me with his own Horse[.] Paid him 3 plues[.] Petit Jean & St Pierre return'd the former having broke his Gun[.]

Sunday 23rd[.] [N]othing occur'd[.]

Monday 24th[.] Faignan went to the passage but saw no Buffaloe[.] [M]ild thawing weather[.]

Tuesday 25th[.] Petit Jean & Claude went the to passage to hunt[.]

Wednesday 26th[.] Snowed a little in the evening[.] [T]ook a vomit[.]

Thursday 27th[.] Poitras' Chimney took fire[.] Faignan & Garneau hauled their wood for the Indian Hall & La Brime Began his[.]

Friday 28th[.] Omitted yesterday St James found his mare dead & half eaten[.] Poitras went & Set Traps for the wolves about her[.]

Saturday 29th[.] Poitras caught a Small case wolf (méotitâgunis)[.] Faignant took a hunting tour, saw nothing but Bulls near which he could not get from the calmness of the Day[.] La Boeuf & Jos Falardeau's Saturday 30th wife came from the Forks with Tobacco from Fournier who has got into the Old Houses there to give paroles to the Indians & acquaint them with their being there[.] Sent these old ladies home quicker than they came with a flea in their ear[.] Great numbers of Bulls on the plains above the Côte des Assinibouan[.]

Sunday 30th[.] I went to the Forks to Spy the nakedness of the Land on foot with La Binne – found them in Peter Grants House of last year, in but a poor plight[.] Staid with them all night[.] Two young men from the Grand Diables were at my Fort during my absence[.]


Monday 1st[.] Left the South men's at Sun rise had an ugly Storm a head[.] Met the old women I had chased from my House about half way ie. those who brought Fourniers Tobacco[.] [G]ot home about noon[.] One of Fourniers men came with us[.]

Tuesday 2nd[.] Fournier's man went home[.] Two young Assinibs came with a few wolves which they laid out in Tobacco – they slept four nights coming[.]

Wednesday 3rd[.] The Young men went off rather ill pleased having lost three pairs Shoes in which were two Bits Tobacco each Six Inches long which the Dogs Dragged under Poitras bed where they were found after the young mens' departure[.]

Thursday 4th[.] I went a Hunting with Louis Houle but kill'd nothing[.] Lafrêniere and Morise came from Mr Grants & brought me a letter[.] Faignan killd a Cow[.] Petit Jean & pCame in from his loge at the River aux Castors where he is tented with André GClaude[.]

Friday 5th[.] Gave my servant Bedard his discharge & took Bibeau in his place[.]


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