Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Novr '94

Put up secure the seed potatoes in two knife Cases without any sand mix'd with ym[.]

Tuesday 4th[.] Houl & St Pierre return'd from Mountn la Bosse & black Cadien came with them – they brought a Roll Brazil Tobacco[.] La Graine's Son in law came in & made a present of 10 Wolves & 11 ps meat[.] Gave him half a keg[.] Mild weather[.]

Wednesday 5th[.] A mild day[.] The Indian went away[.] 6th[.] Still milder, nothing else[.]

Thursday 7th[.] A Fort des Prairie Assinib. came entraite & made his present of 18 wolves, 1 fisher, & 9ps meat & Grease, gave him 7 Galls & 3 fioles over[.] Set the men to cut & square wood to renew the Grand maison[.] Crossed on the Ice – good Skating[.]

Saturday 8th[.] The Assinib. who came yesterday went away after trading upwards of a pack of wolves[.]

Sunday 9th[.] There fell some snow[.] Petit Jean kill'd a Caberie at the River du bras Cassé[.] Skated abundantly[.]

Monday 10th[.] P. Etienne Ducharme & Tousst Charbonneau arrived from the fort of River La Coquille[.]

Tuesday 11th[.] Cadien, Alain, Jollette & Alfonce Boulet started for the Mountain a la Bossé Fort[.] [C]old weather[.]

Wednesday 12th[.] La Suêrie qui Marche came en traite & made a present traded 25 Skins after paying 8 Sks credit[.] André Claude & La Binue went to the River la coquille with Charbonneau & Ducharme[.] I forgot that La Suerie qui Marche made a present of 21 Skins & 4 Blads Grease for which he got 1 Large keg[.]

Thursday 13th[.] Nothing happen'd[.]

Friday 14th[.] Haild & raind by turns[.] Garreau & P. Gilbert went to the last years Houses at the Forks for a traine a bois[.]

Saturday 15th[.] Mr Geo. McKay & Peltier arrived from Mr Grants so far on their way to Portage La Prairie with dispatches to break the partnership Mr Neil McKay made with the South Traders[.] Garreau & Gilbert came back from the Forks[.]

Sunday 16th[.] Mr Geo. McKay Started before day light[.] La Bine & Claud came back from their visit to River La Coquille[.] [A] beautiful day[.] Peti[t] Jean & Desmarais went to the passage to hunt Buffalo & slept out[.]

Monday 17th[.] There fell about Six Inches Snow last night[.] Petit Jean & Desmarais returnd after killing a Cow[.] The weather cleared up for Frost in the evening[.]

Tuesday 18th[.] The men began to draw in the wood for the Grand Maison & Indian Room[.] Pierre Desmarais & Pierre Gilbert went for the meat of Petit Jean's Cow[.] Pretty cold[.]

Wednesday 19th[.] Le Gros Français & frere du Bâtard français arrived en traite[.] The former made a present of 9 Skins & 61 fresh Buff. Tongues, Gave him also 7 Galls[.] The latter one of 13 Skins & 22 ps meat & Grease, Gave him also 7 Galls & 4 fioles over[.] Shishikoé came from his Lodge with 7 Skins on his back; He brought La Graines writ for ammunition & Tobacco; Sent Some by him also for his beaupere[.]

Thursday 20th[.] Gros Français band traded & went away[.] I asked one of his followers to Sell me his Horse – he consented but when we came to


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