Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Octr 1794

Saturday 18th[.] Faignan & Desmarais only came this morning[.] Had letters from Messrs Grant & Wm McKay[.] Equipt Huneau, Desmarais & Petit Jean Summer men[.]

Sunday 19th[.] Pre Etnne Ducharmme went to take Faignau's place at the River la coquille the latter having too much family for that place[.] Sent La Couture with him & wrote by ym to Messrs Grant & Wm McKay[.] Drew the Boats out of the Ice as the bordages were getting Strong on the River[.]

Monday 20th[.] Old Grimaceu and another assinib. sent two young men for Tobacco[.] They are to be in this evening[.] After arrival they made the followg presents vizt L'Assinibouan 42 ps Meat & Grease & a Bears Skin[,] Le Grimaceu 12 ps meat & Grease & 6 wolves[,] gave the former a keg & the latter ½ a keg & two Fioles gratis at night as he paid his Credit of 7 skins[.] & for 3 dressed Skins He made a small present at night of 7 good & ten 3 bad wolves for which I gave him 2 Galls[.] Severe weather[.] Faignau Cross'd the River on the Ice[.]

Tuesday 21st[.] The Indians went off – after trading 76 Skins[.] Froze Severely last night[.]

Wednesday 22nd[.] Milder than the two preceding days[.] The Plains on fire to the Eastward[.] 23nd[.] [N]othing particular[.]

Friday 24th[.] Le Beau Chasseur arrived entraite and made a present of 10 wolves, 1 Buff. Robe 26 ps meat & Grease[.] Gave him a keg in return[.] His associate made a present of 4½ Skins, 1 Buffalo Robe & 15 ps meat & Grease[.] Gave him in return ½ a keg[,] 1½ Fm Tobacco & 60 Rds Ammunition[.]

Saturday 25th[.] They traded & went away[.] Mild weather[.]

Sunday 26th[.] Poitras & Faignau went towards the passage a hunting and killd a Bull[.] Mr Wm McKay & suit arrived at my house So far on his way to Portage La Prairie to take charge of that place as the person there now is so little fit for the charge that Messrs Reaume & the South Traders are carrying all before them – according to report[.]

Monday 27th[.] Mr Wm McKay Continued his route[.] I sent Houle & St Pierre to the Fort du Melieu for a Roll Brazil Tobacco[.] [B]eautiful mild weather no snow on the ground yet[.] Le fils du beau parleur, Le Grot Ecureuil & le jeune home arrived en traite: The former made a present of 7 Skins, 8 Dress'd Skins & 1 Buffalo Robe[,] Gave him 7 Galls[,] Le Gros Ecureuil one of 20 Skins, 3 Buff. Robes & 8 ps Meat & Grease[,] Gave him a keg[.] The lattre one of 12 Sks 1 Buff. Robe[,] Gave him ½ a keg[.] They traded in all 63 Skins 8 Dress'd Skins & 6 Buff. Robes[.] There fell a good deal of rain last this evening[.] 28th[.] They traded & went off[.] Rain'd again in ye morning[.]

Wednesday 29th[.] Raind again last night – nothing else happened[.]

Thursday 30th[.] Peltier arrived from Portage La Prairie with dispatches and La Couture with the Same from Mr Grants[.] Rain'd all last night and this day[.]

Friday 31st[.] Rain'd all last night[.] Began to Snow this morning a cold Raw day[.]


Saturday 1st[.] Started Peltier & Desmarais for Mr Grants with the Portage La Prairie &c letters[.] Cloudy cold weather[.]

Sunday 2nd[.] [A] stormy N.E. wind[.] Some snow fell[.] Three young Assinibs came for Tobacco with 7 Wolves[.] They brought the two Horses[.]

Monday Novr 3rd[.] Snowed from the N.E. all day not very cold[.] The 3 young men Started on their return[.] As they belong to the Grand Diable Sent him by them ½ Fm Tobacco[.]


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