Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Octr 94

Thursday 9th[.] Le Pere du Grimaceu & band traded & went off[.] Three Assinibouans came from the Buffalo Parc with two Horses for Sale[.]

Friday 10th[.] The men of the Grand maison bought one of the Horses to draw their wood – and those of Little Houle's House bought the other for about 23 pluës each[.]

Saturday 11th[.] Tabault, Le gros français, La Graine &c arrived & made the following presents vizt Le Michinaway du Chien fou 30 ps meat & Grease[,] Gave him 7 Galls, Tabault 34 ps meat & Grease[,] Gave him 7 Galls, La Suerie qui marche 28 ps meat & Grease[,] Gave him ½ a keg, La Graine 9 Skins & 31 ps meat & Grease[,] gave him a large keg[,] Le grand nez 30 ps meat & Grease, Gave him 7 Galls[,] Le Ruffin 11 Skins & 18 ps Meat & Grease, gave him 7 Galls[,] Le Gros Français 36 ps Meat & Grease[,] gave him a keg[,] L'homme qui s'encule 32 ps meat & Grease[,] gave him 7 Galls[.] Tabault would have had a keg had not he work'd for Mr Peter Grant all last winter[.]

Sunday 12th[.] They were very troublesome at the trade being all in the wind[.] Settled with them the best way we could & they went away chiefly well Satisfied[.] Three young Assinibs came for Tobacco who brought the Grot Ecureuils writ and Started on their return directly[.] Glorious weather we sawed parsnip seeds yesterday before the arrival of the Savages[.]

Monday 13th[.] Calculated the pickets wanted for circumventing the Fort Say 1000m about 60 to a Man[.] Eight young men Assinibs came for Tobacco from the Grand Diable, Cato, &c[.]

Tuesday 14th[.] Le Grand Diable himself came for Tobacco on Horseback & as soon as he got it went off the reason of his coming at all was that we had not sent enough by his Messenger for he says he has 125 young men (Watombaghenatons) with him & will be here tomorrow[.] Spent a Roll Brazil Since the arrival of the Canoes & in the same time mixd four kegs Hwines[.]

Wednesday 15th[.] Grand Diable & band arrived & made the following presents, Himself 9 Skins & 30 ps Meat & Grease, gave him a large keg, Le Menton de Galloche 50 ps meat & Grease[,] gave him also a keg, L'Irroquois 5 Skins & 43 ps meat & Grease, gave him a keg also[,] Le Bonnet Jaune 10 Sks & 44 ps Meat & Grease[,] gave him a keg also[,] Cato fils du Grand Diable 1 Wolf 42 ps Meat & Grease, gave him a keg also[,] Gendre de Tabault 72 ps Meat & Grease[,] Gave him 2 half kegs, Le frere du Chien fou 7 wolves & 46 ps mt & Grease[,] Gave him a keg[,] Le Vieu Scioux 12 ps meat[,] gave him 2 Galls[,] Kikikogonine 23 ps Meat & Grease[,] gave him a ½ keg[.] They drank all night – famous fellows[.]

Thursday 16th[.] They all traded & went away[.] Sent off the Grand Diable with a vollé of musketting, flag flying[.] They left in our possession 100 Skins, 3300lbs pounded meat[,] 383 Bladds Grease & a Cord of Dried Meat[.]

Friday 17th[.] Sawed Onion seed, Bibeau & Petit Jean came from upper Regions & parted with Faignau & Desmarais near the Corne du Cerf[.]


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