Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Sept. 1794

Sunday 28th[.] Left our Campment at the Bassin early in the morning great number of Buffaloes all along the route[.] Breakfasted at the River aux Castors three leagues further and arrived at the Fort of the River qui appelle about 4 PM. – kill'd two Bulls on our way – the distance we came today is 7 Leagues that is 4 from where we breakfasted to the Fort[.] Only one poor Lodge of Assinibouans at the Fort[.] Next day we did not budge from the Fort[.]

Tuesday 30th[.] Accompanied Mr Grant to the Forks on Horse back – found only the two Boats arrived – the canoes came to us in the evening[.] Gave their ladings to most of the Canoes for the River Tremblante Mr Grants post[.]


Wednesday 1st[.] Gave out the remainder of the Baggages to the eight Canoes for above & to the two Boats 40 pieces each for the Fort of the River qui appelle[.] Got back to the Fort time enough to Send Provisions for the upper Fort canoes on Horseback to the passage de la Corne de Cerf[.]

Thursday 2nd[.] The Horses came home from the passage[.] Shishikoé & two Young men came from Tabault's & other savages Camp'd on the Lakes of this River for Tobacco & news from the Canoes[.] They brought six wolves on their backs[.]

Mr Grant Started early next morning for the River La Coquille where Mr Peter Grants people have built a Fort this Summer[.] This place is half way between here & Mr Grants residence of last year about 14 to 15 Leagues over land[.] Paul Tranquille came at dusk from Mountain a la Bosse where we left John Miln[,] old Houle &c to build[.] Messrs Wm McKay & Peter Grant had arrived there before he left it[.] Shishikoé & suit got what they wanted and departed[.]

Saturday 4th[.] Nothing worth relating[.] Sunday 5th[.] I wrote Jno Miln, Augé who has Mr John Thompson for his writer & Jussomme[.]

Monday 6th[.] Jos Tranquille & Hugh McCracken went away to join Jussomme at the Missour River La Sourie & to go to the Missouri with him[.] Pull'd the potatoes only 9 Bushels[.] Great herds of Buffaloes within two & three miles of the Fort say in the plain just above the Grande Côte on the Assinibouan Road[.]

Tuesday 7th[.] Sent Louis Houl & Pierre Etnne Ducharmme to remain at the passage de la corne de cerf to get Poitras Equipment and news from Mr Wm McKay when he passes[.]

R. Faignan arrived after, dusk having debark'd out of Mr Wm McKays Canoes at Peter Grant's last year's house residense[.]

Wednesday 8th[.] Pere du Grimaceu, old Boiteu, Grand frêre &c arrived & made the following presents the former 11 Blds Grease to drink here & 42 ps Dried Meat & Grease with a Buffalo Robe to carry off with him[.] Gave him in return a large & a two Galln keg[.] Le Boiteu one of 10 wolves[,] 16 ps Dried Meat[.] Gave him 7 Galls[.] Grand Frêre one of 12 Bladds Grease, 16 ps Dried Meat. Gave him also 7 Galls[.] Houle & Ducharmme returnd from the passage with their errand[.] Sent La Fontaine & P. Tranquille after Mr Grant with letters[.]


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