Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


April 1794

Tuesday 22nd[.] The grey mare & black Horse were Stolen about two hours Sun Am. Faignan & I pursued most part of the day i.e. untill the Snow melted & we lost the Track[.] Many alarms of the Scioux from the women but no Scioux appeared[.]

Wednesday 23rd[.] Made 86 Taureaux Pimican & 15 Packs[.] Batârd Anglais' son took from the Assinibouans & brought back to us the two Horses Stolen yesterday – pd him well for his trouble[.] The Boats came up from the Forks[.]

Thursday 24th[.] Press'd a few packs in the evening[.] Colin came from a Hunting tour[.] [A] cold day[.]

Friday 25th[.] [A] Cold day & Storming – fell some Snow[.]

Saturday 26th[.] La Fremine & La Couture came from Mr Grants with a letter[.] Finished our packs say 80 & 26 at the Forks[.]

Sunday 27th[.] The first fine day these 8 days[.] Dried the remainder of our pd meat in the Sun[.] Began repairing our Canoes & caulkg our Boats of the latter we finished two[.]

Monday 28th[.] Finished our Pimican say 226 Taureaux[.] The Blk. mare horse & grey Mare Stolen from Desmarais & Jussomme who were out Guarding them & the fellows had not the Spines to fire upon the thieves tho' within 50 yards of them[.]

Thuresday 29th[.] Sent five Horses to the passage de la corne de Cerf by appointment to wait Mr Grants arrival[.] He came to us in the evening[.]

FriWednesday 30th[.] Loaded the Boats & Sent them of[.] Made up Jussomme & Cardins peltries say 10 packs[.] Total 116 packs[.]

Thursday 1st May[.]

Sent off the Canoes early in the morning[.] Mr Grant and I sett out about noon[.] Slept at the Forks R. qu' appelle[.]

Friday 2nd[.] Gave out the Ladings in the morning & to the Indians upwards of two Kegs mix'd Rum with Some Ammunition & Tobacco[.] Left the forks at 2 PM. Slept near Tabault's Campment[.] Next Day Rain forced us ashore a few points below the little Rivers early in the afternoon[.]

Sunday 4th[.] Kill'd five Cows & two Buffalo Calves & Campd below the Fort of mountain a La Bosse about two Leagues[.] Next day overtook & pass'd old Houle at the long point of the Campmen[t] de l'Etredeux[.] Campd below the Loge de paille[.]

Tuesday 6th[.] Pass'd the Rapid River[.] Put ashore a few points lower to Shave & Breakfast[.] This day we pass'd about 400 Buffaloes drowned in the River they lay on almost every point huddled together[.] Arrived at Augés, River La Sourie, Fort[.] Sun an hour high[.] Augé has sad Complaints against his HB. Opponent[.] Mr Donald alias Mad McKay enough to have him Strung up in a Christian Country if fairly proved[.]


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