Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


May 1794

Thursday 8th[.] By order of Mr Grant I took down three or four or five declarations of his own men against Mr Donald McKay in consequence of which we took him prisoner for firing at Augé & laying in ambush for his life[.] I was his guard & Slept with him at night[.]

Friday 9th[.] Mr Grant allowed Mr McKay le malin to go home Seal his journal & write to his chief Mr M. Nabb[.] I went with him & according to his promise he came back quietly with me[.] The Canoes & Boats arrived[.] Finished marking Auge's packs say 43.

Saturday 10th[.] [L]eft River La Sourie after Breakfast with 14 Canoes & 3 Boats[.] Mr Grant thought proper to release Mr Donald McKay – so we did not embark him – and he was so pleased with recovering his liberty that it was at his House we breakfasted by his particular request[.] Arrived at the Pine Fort in good time[.]

Sunday 11th[.] Mr Peter Grant & his men arrived in the forenoon[.] Paid Cardin for 208 Pluës he gave in at the River qui appelle[.] Mr P Grant and his folks Started & Cardin with them, having engaged as comis in their service[.] The Indians got a treat and were troublesome at night particularly the Pied de Loutres[.] Next day was a foggy one made preparations[.]

Tuesday 13th[.] Finish'd marking the Pine Fort Packs[.] Arranged the men in the Canoes & Boats just in the same order they arrived here last fall[.] The Indians in the Lodges round the Fort had a dreadfull false alarm from the Scioux, which made them all rush to the Fort gates in great confusion to be admitted into it quite armed[.]

Wednesday 14th[.] A beautiful day S[…]d entered the men's accounts & gave them all the Tobacco that remain'd[.] Sat up to watch the Scioux[.]

Thursday 15th[.] Sent off the Canoes & Boats in the morning[.] JBte Huneau, JBte Lafrance, & Ante Azure came back from River au Watap afoot to get Rum[.] Mr Dd McKay & his HB men passed in the afternoon[.] He left Mr Jno Sutherland in land[.] Took the inventory of the remains at the Pine Fort[.]

Friday 16th[.] Left the Pine Fort after Breakfast[.] Poor old Jos Duchêne alias Pironquelou cried for Sorrow at parting with Mr Grant[.] Slept a few points above the River du Milieu[.]

Saturday 17th[.] Pass'd River du Milieu, Fort des trembles, and Portage la Prairie a little below which we passd the HB a shore[.] Slept Camped at Adhemars Fort[.] Saw a great many Sturgeon but caught none tho' we tried repeatedly[.]

Sunday 18th[.] We were up and under arms sitting at the feet of trees all last night ie. each man his tree around the Campment[.] But it proved to be a false alarm[.] Slept a little above the old Fort de la Reine[.]

Monday 19th[.] Met two Canottes of South men asscending headed by a Monsr Fournier[.] Took Morelle a deserted of ours from Pimbina River from him[.] The first Prairie below Fort de la Reine has been calld the prairie a fournier after this South trader ever since[.] These Canoes are


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