Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


April 1794

Thursday 3rd[.] Mr Robt Taylor Started for Mr Grants, a clear sunny day[.] Le pere du grimaceu came in & made a present of 3 Buff. Robes[,] 11 fresh Buff. Tongues, 1 Raw deerskin & 2 ps pd meat[.] Gave him 2 Galls[.] 9 Lodges of Assinibouans campd at the Fort from whom I bought 2 Lodges of 13 Sks each at the rate of 2 Fms Tob. & four Galls Rum for both[.] Our fresh meat is done & we now live upon Dried or piece meat[.]

Friday 4th[.] Two more Lodges came in to camp at the Fort[.] Grand Diable, Cato his Son, and the female from Ft DesPrairie Sent their writs for Tobacco[.] Gave ½ a fm pr writing to be carried back to them[.]

Friday 5th Apl[.] The Indians camp'd at the Fort moved away[.] Faignau kill'd a Goose the first fowl that enterd the Fort this spring[.] Cold over cast & windy there fell some rain[.]

Sunday 6th (Passion)[.] Three young men from the Grand diables' say he is to come to camp at the Fort Tomorrow[.]

Monday 7th[.] Le Gros Français & a number of others came en traite[.] He made a present of a Lodge 13 Skins, 5 Buff. Robes & 7 Bladds Grease. Gave him in return ½ a keg & 50 Rds Pow[d]er & Ball[.] Le Grand nez made a present of 9 Buffalo Robes. Gave him 3 Galls & 40 Rounds Ammn[.] Tabault's adopted son made a present of 5 wolves, 1 Carcajou, 2 Buff. Robes, 9 ps Tongues & Meat & 6 Blads Grease[.] Gave him 3 Galls & 40 Rds Ammn[.] L'homme qui S'Encule gave 9 Buff. Robes, 7 ps Meat & grease[,] gave him 3 Galls & 40 Rds Ammn[.]

Tuesday 8th[.] Launched the wooden Canoe to cross the river[.] [O]ur remaining Stock of Rum is but 3 kegs mixd[.]

Wednesday 9th[.] Grand Diable came in with a suite of 48 Tents[.] These people made a number of presents but I did not mark them down[.] Next day they Traded & went off[.] Chevarei & Belhumeur arrived from the Pine Fort – also Desmarais & Jollette from the Upper Fort[.] [B]y these Mr Grant directed me to begin numbering my packs at 131[.]

Friday 11th April[.] Le frere du Chienfou arrived & presented 15 wolves & ten Bladds Grease[.] Having no Rum to give him he got a chiefs coat[,] Hat, Leggs & Braillet with 50 Rds Ammunition[.] He traded & slept at the Fort[.]

Saturday 12th[.] Arranged the meat in the Store; took up our seed Potatoes. Chienfou's brother went off after trading 33 Skins[.]

Sunday 13th Palm[.] The men who went to trade at the Mandan village on the Missouri returnd & paid their Credits[.] Jussomme & Cardin came with them[.] Chrisostome Jonquard & La Grave still would not return to their duty & remain'd there[.]

Monday 14th[.] Cardin went to the Forks to see his credittor Mr Peter Grant[.] Tied up the Credits of the mandan men say, 2 Bales wolves, 2 Do Robes & ½ Bale peltries[.]

Tuesday 15th[.] Snowed & Rain'd all day[.] Several men came from the forks[.]

Wednesday 16th[.] Cardin return'd from the Forks & pd Mr Peter Grant's Credit say 200 Skins & two Horses, Yesterdays snow melted[.]

Thursday 17th[.] I went to the Forks to make up Mr McKay's packs a beautiful day[.]

Friday 18th (Good)[.] Rain'd a good deal at night[.] Still at the forks[.]

Saturday 19th[.] Completed McKay's packs (say 26) & returnd to my own Station[.]

Sunday 20th Easter[.] A Raw cold day wind at N.E. Faignau & Dubé's two Horses were Stolen, while I was at the Forks[.]

Monday 21st[.] Began to make our packs […] covers, markd 40[.] Poitras made a Pimican Traugh[.] Rainy night[.]


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