Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


March '94

of the Fort[.] The Hunter went off dissatisfied[.] Thawing very fast[.] La Brie & Bellair who set out for the upper Fort yesterday came back unable to find out the road[.]

Friday 14th[.] Tabault's adopted son sent for Tobacco by a young man, thawing[.]

Saturday 15th[.] Le Pere du Grimaceu &c came en traite[.] He made a present of 13 Buff. Robes, 2 wolves, 2 Blads Grease & 4 ps pounded meat[.] Gave him a W: keg[.]

Sunday 16th[.] They traded & went their way[.] Jollifou set out to go home[.]

Monday 17th[.] Five men arrived at day break from the upper Fort having travelled at nights & laid by in the day time on account of their Eyes[.] Thawg fast[.]

Tuesday 18th[.] Bâtard Anglois & La Bougresse's Son in law came for a pipe of Tobacco[.]

Wednesday 19th[.] La Bisme &c Started on their return to the upper Fort[.] Froze hard enough last Night to bear Skating on the new Ice[.]

Thursday 20th[.] La Bougresse a troublesome gentn came in with one Beavr Skin[.]

Friday 21st[.] La Bougresse &c went off[.] A young Assinib: came en traite[.] I kill'd a Bull and Skated abundantly[.] Some men came from NWtCo for goods[.]

Saturday 22nd[.] [A] Strong Equinoctial wind came from the westward. La Graine's son in law came in sans dessein[.] I Sent by him an arms length of Tob. to the Grand nez[.]

Sunday 23rd[.] JBte Huneau & the Pine Fort men returnd from a voyage of 19 days & brought old Mr Robert Taylor with them[.]

Monday 24th[.] Many Indians came for Tobacco who say they are coming to Trade en loge, say 43 Tents chiefly Watombaghë-na-tons (Gens du grand Diable)[.] Desmarais &c went to […]with Les Gens du Diable into the Upper Fort with three kegs HWs[.]

Tuesday 25th[.] Desmarais and party came back for Horses saying the ground is too bare to travle with Trains – left their change guarded at the grosse isle[.] Many Geese flew by[.] A young Assinib. sent by the Grûe blanche came to warn us of a party of young men of that nation preparing to steal our Horses[.]

Wednesday 26th[.] Le vieu frêre & l'Arc rouge came to trade a Few Robes[.] Faignau & Marsolait being out Hunting to day report they saw Six Indians hiding themselves from them in the vicinity of the Fort[.] [T]hese we take to be the party La grûe blanch warned us of[.] [C]ollected our Horses & Shut them in the Fort at night[.]

Thursday 27th[.] Many young men came for Tobacco[.] The Fort quite dry[.]

Friday 28th[.] La Grûe blanche & La Bougresse's brother visited us the former en traite the other sans dessein (to catch what he can, rather)[.] Beaufils de Minie came also[.] [A]bout twenty young men came for Tobacco[.]

Saturday 29th[.] The Indians went off after Trading[.] Salted 6 kegs of Buffalo Tongues[.]

Sunday 30th[.] La Brûhe & band came to trade with very little & departed directly[.] Afraid of thieves I Slept in the Store[.]

Monday 31st[.] Got wedges & maulls made for the press[.]

April 1st

Tuesday 1st[.] Sent home Chamard to the forks with the goods he came for yesterday[.] Snowed all day[.] Cut some tickets for the packs[.] Omitted yesterday I dried some of our pd meat ready to make up[.]

Wednesday 2nd[.] La Bougresse &c came to trade[.] He made a present of a lodge of 13 Skins, 8 Dress'd Skins, 7 plues, 2 Buff. Tongues, & 2 ps pd meat & a Badger skin[.] Gave him in return a large keg[.] They went of[.]


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