Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Feby & March '94

Sunday 23rd4th[.] My Bourgeois Mr C. Grant arrived from the Upper Fort of River Tremblante with Six men[.] He next day went to visit McKay at the Forks and Chamard &c met him on the way coming for goods[.]

Wednesday 26th[.] Mr Grant return'd from the Forks[.] [A] beautiful Day[.]

Thursday 27th[.] Paid Mary Lafontaine for Lacing 14 prs Snow Shoes & Ten Buffalo Skins She dress'd & cut into cords for the packs, and for cutting ten more Skins into thongs that were dress'd to her hand (15 Plues)[.] Les yeux jaune came in the night & traded[.] Mr Peter Grant came on a visit & passed the night with Mr C. Grant & I[.]

Friday 28th[.] Mr Peter Grant went off late in the evening[.]


Saturday 1st[.] Mr C. Grant set out on his return home, his intention was to await the return of the men sent for goods to the Pine Fort; an overcast mild day[.]

Sunday 2nd[.] The Pine Fort men returnd after taking 24 days to perform the voyage – a thing unheard of – they brought 6 kegs HWs 2 Bales Goods & 3 Sacs Ball[.] Clear cold weather[.]

Monday 3rd[.] Sansouci & two more men left by Mr Grant got their loads and went after him[.] Le Grand Diable, Le Pensionaire Petit Plue &c came to the Fort & made a present the first of 21 Skins & a Buff. Robes; Le pensionnaire one of 8 Buff. Robes[.] Gave the former 7 Galls & the latter ½ a keg[.] Tranquille bought a Slave woman (i.e. taken in war) from the latter for two Horses & twenty Pluës in Goods[.] Gave the Hunter six fioles to drink with them[.]

Tuesday 4th[.] Bought from the Petit Pluë Hugh McCracken's blue Horse for 20 Plues, He having got her from old Tranquille in past payment for a Slave woman of the Mandan Nation[.]

Wednesday 5th (Ash)[.] Cut out more Taureaux for Minie to Sew[.] Started JBte Huneau & others for the Pine Fort to bring Goods[.] [A] glorious day[.] Grand Diable &c went off early in the morning[.]

Thursday 6th[.] [A] beautiful day[.] Chamard came from the Forks for goods – mix'd two kegs HWs[.]

Friday 7th[.] We have now in the Store 29 Bales Furrs & 9 Do Buff. Robes – 57 to 60 packs[.] My tongue peeled in a Strange manner[.] I have two teeth grew behind the others this winter where I never had any[.] I am now twenty five years of age[.] These the French call Dents de Sagesse[.]

Saturday 8th[.] I went to the forks to pay McKay a visit a beautifull day[.]

Sunday 9th[.] I pass'd the day at the Forks & in my absence my Interpreter (Poitras) received a present from the Beaufrere du Joutreau of 14 Buffalo Robes & 8 Skins, and for […] La Qusue fourchêre another of and gave him a large keg[.] The Qusue fourchêre who was with him and he traded & went away[.]

Monday 10th[.] I return'd from the Forks after inviting the gents there to come and dine with me next Sunday[.] Tuesday 11th[.] The Chef des Enfants who came here sans dessein yesterday visited the forks to see what he could squeese out of the Traders there[.]

Wednesday 12th[.] Ignace Jollifou arrived from Fort Dauphin & brought me a mess of fish in a present from Mr Belleau[.] Mr. N. McKay paid me a visit[.] Le vieu frêre came in sans dessein – paid of our Hunter[.] Sent a few Rounds Ammunition & a Pipe Tobacco to La Brûhe[.] Bellair & LaBrie Started for the upper Fort with three pieces[.]

Thursday 13th[.] Mr N. McKay on his way home had to wade thro' a foot of water that ran over the River Lee[.] Dug Trenches to let the water run out


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