Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Feby 94

Sunday 9th[.] LaBine & two more men Started for Mr Grants, Jollifoux Primault and the other three men from Fort Dauphin Started with their errand to rejoin their Bourgeois Mons Belleau[.]

Monday 10th[.] Snowed much last night – a [s]tormy day[.] The Hunter's brother came in from the Buffalo pound (parc)[.]

Tuesday 11th[.] La Brûche & an old Assinib. came in[.] The former made a present of 48 Skins, 11 Blads Grease & 4 ps dried meat for a cloathing for his son, which I gave him with a Big Keg & Some fioles over[.] Gave the Hunter 6 fioles gratis[.]

Wednesday 12th[.] Vieu frêre, Camarade de Paulette, Poitras' father, & five young men came in sans dessein from the Forks[.] La Merde l'Etungeau & two more assinibouans came en traite and made a present of 14 ps dried meat, 6 Bladds Grease[,] 5 ps Pounded Meat, 12 fresh Tongues & 4½ Skins; Gave him ½ a keg Rum[.] Gave the Chiefs at the Fort each a fiole in all 7 fioles[.]

Tuesday 13th[.] Lafrance & Bertrand who went express to the upper Fort returnd & brought me a letter from Mr Grant inclosing one from Cardin at the Missouri[.]

Friday 14th[.] Dubé who had gone on a promenade to the Forks came home with, 11 Buff. Robes, 7 Htkss. & two Guns he had won at Cards from Mr P Grant's men[.] [C]old Clear weather[.]

Saturday 15th[.] In consequence of orders received from my Bourgeois by Lafrance & Bertrand I equiped seven men for the Missouri[.] [A] piercing Cold Day. [T]he Hunter Killd a young Buffaloe[.]

Sunday 16th[.] Michinaway du Chienfou came en traite accompanied by 8 or 9 others (sans dessein)[.] Gave the Michinaway 3 fioles gratis & the Hunter 4 fioles[.] Mr Neil McKay Sent JBte Bonneau to inform that the HB. are come up with their Goods on Sleas like the Goths seeking settlements to the number of 13 men headed by Mr John Sutherland Mr Dd McKay's Second[.]

Monday 17th[.] JBte Lafrance, Jos Dubé, Jos Tranquille, Hugh McCracken, Louis Houle, JBte Bertrand & Ante Bourier Lavigne, Started for the Missouri en traite with credits chiefly ammunition to the amount of 382 Plues amongst them all[.] The petit guide d'Allard is to guide them the nearest route for 12 Plues or 1½ plue per man & a fm Tobacco I made him a present of, more over the promise of a Gallon keg Rum at his return if he behaved well[.] Mr Jno Sutherland the HB master who came yesterday to the Forks paid us a visit, but I presume with a view to choose his ground if he liked this place better than the [the] Forks to set himself down at – in other words he came to Spy the nakedness of the Land[.]

Tuesday 18th[.] La Bougresse & Bâtârd anglais, with two more chiefs sent for Tobacco[.] The Grimaceu's brother came in with another young man to trade two Robes for a coup & a pipe Tobacco[.]

Wednesday 19th[.] Mr N. McKay Sent Chamard & Petit Jean for two Kegs Mix'd Rum (at mid night) they got their errand & departed of hand[.]

Thursday 20th[.] Le Gros Français send for Tob. – came in the eveng & made a present of 16 plues & 6 Buff. Robes out of which I deducted his credit of 3 Skins & gave him 7 Galls Rum[.] Stormy weather[.]

Friday 21st[.] [A] very cold Stormy day, the Indians remain at the fort to let the Storm blow over[.]

Saturday 22nd[.] The Gros Français S[t]arted, a fine day tho' cold[.] 23rd[.] [N]othing happend[.]


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