Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Jany '94

by l'Enfant de la Glase glace in a drinking match[.]

Saturday 25th[.] A Band of Gens des filles (assinibns) came to trade; their principal man made a present of 5 Buff. Robes, 19 ps Dried Meat, and 16 Bladds Grease & 15 fresh Buffalo Tongues[.] Gave him in return a 9 Galln keg Rum[.]

Sunday 26th[.] They Traded & went away[.] The Hunter kill'd ten cows since his last removal from the Fort[.]

Monday 27th[.] La Brûhe, Le Gros Français &c sent four young men for Tobacco[.]

Tuesday 28th[.] Le Pere du Grimaceu sent for Tobacco in the morning & arrived about noon en traite[.] He adopted me in lieu of the Son he lately lost[.] It is now cold weather certainly, but this man came to the Fort without anything upon his body but a single pair of Shoes upon his feet the rest of his Body was as Bare naked as he was born and he Shiverd like a leaf with cold – he had come about two miles in this state thro' an open plain[.] Ignace Jollifou and four men, arrived from Fort Dauphin for Goods Sent by Mr Pierre Belleau – Primault is one of these five[.]

Monday 29th[.] The Grimaceu's father traded & went off[.]

Thursday 30th[.] Sent young Azure to Guide Jollifou to the Mr Grants as I could not take on myself to give Goods to another department without his knowledge, this being a case not provided for in my instructions[.] The men I sent last to Mr Grants with goods came home[.] Primault who visited the forks yesterday came home i.e: back here[.]

February '94

Saturday 1st[.] Sent Five men for meat[.] Sent for the Hunter to guide the men to the Buffalo Parc who instantly answer'd the call[.]

Sunday 2nd[.] Cadien le noir, Pierre Fortin & Tousst Charbonneau guided by the Hunter Started en traite to the park[.] 3rd[.] [N]othing occur'd[.]

Tuesday 4th[.] Seven of the men who went to Trade at the Missouri with the Mandans &c return'd[.] But two of those Sent have thought proper to remain there as deserters vizt Chrisostome Jonquard & Frans La Grave[.] It is now 56 days since these men parted with me[.]

Wednesday 5th[.] Counted up the packages of Furrs in the Store say 27 Bales Peltreis all sorts & one of Buffalo Robes about thirty Packs less than my predecessor Mr Rt Grant had this time last year[.] The Hunter Beaufrere came in & made a present of 7½ Skins, 6 Buff. Robes[,] 17 ps Dried Meat and 9 Blads Grease[.] Gave him in return a large keg[.] Engaged Methode for 3 Years[.]

Thursday 6th[.] Sent off Six men for Goods to the Pine Fort[.] The Hunters brother Traded & went his way[.] After this man's departure the Pine Fort men return'd from the point of the Grand Marais, as all our Dogs went that far after them[.]

Friday 7th[.] The Pine Fort men made a fresh Start & we took care the Dogs would not Stop their voyage a second time[.] Jollifoux & young Azure return'd from the upper Fort – with orders from Mr Grant to assist them with goods all in my power[.]

Saturday 8th[.] Sent Lafrance & Bertrand express to Mr Grant[.]


L E G E N D :
 in red , modifications made by the editor(s).
 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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