Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Decr 1793

take an Inventory of the Shop during his absence, which I did as follows vizt 3 La: Red & Green Strip'd Blkts. 14 Blkts. 3 pts. 36 Do 2½ pts. 7 Do 2 pts. 3 Do 1½ pts., 5 Do 1 pt 1½ Piece fine Aurora Striped Strouds, ½ Piece Red Striped Strouds, 4 ps HB blue Strouds, 2 Do Cam. blue Stds. 1 Piece Com. Red strouds, 11 Chiefs Coats, 6 La: Laced Capots, 1 Capot 4 Ells, 2 Do 3 ½ Ells, 5 Do 3 Ells, 11 Do 2½ Ells, 12 Do 2 Ells, 34 Do ½ Ells[,] 28 Do 1 Ells 9 prs Leggings, 47 prs La: Sleeves, 13 prs Moyen – a 12 prs Sma: Sleeves – 3 Callimco Mautlets, 7 Callico Do 21 Childns Robes, 1 Callico Shirt, 1 R.S. Shirt, 7 Nuns white Shirts, 11 Boys Do Do 12 Childns Do Do 1 pr R.S. Trawsers, 3 prs Callico Do 22 ps Gartering, 6¾ Gro: Rings, 2 Gro: Hawks Bolls, 5 Gro: Thimbles, 2 Gro: Awls, 3 Gro: Gunworms, 16 Doz. fire Steels, 3 Sacks Flints 250 ea. 4 Rings Collar Rings Wire, 10 Rollsings Ear wire, 1 Do Snare, 2½ Dozn Clasp knives 3 Cartouche knives, 4 Dozn La: knives, 12 Dozn Small, 2½ Dozn Razors 12 Laced Hats, 8 Cam vt Rd Hats[,] 2 Masses blue Beads, 2½ lbs vermillion 10 Small worsted Belts, 10 prs worsted Hose, 7½ milld prs, 2 mill'd Caps 2 Dozn Gimblets, 8 Steel Tobacco Boxes, 3 Glass'd Japanned Do Do, 4 Small pewter Basans, 3 Bayonets, 2 Hand Daggs – 2½ Dozn P.C Lookg Glasses – 10 chiefs feathers, 2 Dozn prs Scissors Small, 4 prs Buss Shoes, 1 Gray surtout coat 4 lbs net thread, 2 Bunches Holld Twine, 1 Net & Maitre, 11 kegs Hwines, 4½ Do powder, 1½ Bale Kettles, 3 Cases Guns, 1 1/3 Sack Ball, 2¼ Do Shot, 2 Bales Carrot Tobacco, 1 Roll Spencers Twist, ¾ Roll Brazil, 2 Stock Locks, 3 Gun Locks, 1 Case Knives N# 5, 10 Half axes, 6 moyen axes, 7 Cassetêtes, 53 Darts, 11 Broad Trenches, 35 narrow Trenches, 14 kegs mixd Rum[.]

Tuesday 31st[.] My worthy Bourgeois return'd from the Forks and brought Mr Peter Grant with him to pass the new year[.]

January 1794

Wednesday 1st[.] Mr Grant gave the men two Galls Rum & 3 Fms Tobacco, after they had got their Morning by way of a New Years Gift[.]

Thursday 2nd[.] Mr Peter Grant went home the little Hunter went with him to return to his Lodge.

Friday 3rd[.] Sent Ten men to the Pine Fort for goods[.]

Saturday 4th[.] Mr C. Grant Started on his return home to the Upper Post[.] As I was firing in Compliment to my Bourgeois departure with my own Musket a handful of powder I held blew up accidentally & burnt my hand & face a good deal[.] La Grue & Le frêne & four more of the Warriors came in for Tobacco & ammunition[.] Next day they left us having received as follows gratis La Grue 50 Rounds Ammunition & 1 Fm Tob: Le Grand frêne 20 Rounds Ammunition & ½ Fm Tob: Two other Chiefs & Le frêne's Brother got as much as the latter did each[.]

Monday 6th[.] Little Fountaine returnd from the Forks & reports that La Grûe &c arrived there upon his heels and that Neil McKay


L E G E N D :
 in red , modifications made by the editor(s).
 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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