Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Decr 1793

Wednesday 11th[.] Le Michinaway du Chienfou went off. I renewed his writ which was of '88 by Mr Robert Grant[.]

Thursday 12th[.] The Hunter removed from the Fort to hunt at Lhomme de Paille; Sent André La Gacer with him to secure the meat[.]

Friday 13th[.] [A] beautifull clear day, Tabeault's brother in law the Boiteu came for Tobacco. He brought La Graines writ, and Slept but one night on the road[.]

Saturday 14th[.] The above messenger went his way[.] I accidentally stabbed Jollette in the Arm with a Dagger, I was much concerned as it was with difficulty that we could Stop the Blood[.]

Sunday 15th[.] Rheaume (Mr Peter Grant's Guide) came to visit us with his wife along with one Hamelin, yesterday, & returnd with the same suite to day[.] Sent for meat to the Hunters, the first time since his removal[.]

Monday 16th[.] Sent more men for meat[.] Next day I attempted to go & visit the Hunter but lost the road & came back as I went[.]

Wednesday 18th[.] Sent three trains for meat to the Hunters and Fortin to take Lagacé's place whose time is out or to help him as he pleases[.]

Thursday 19th[.] A Strong thawing wind from the westward[.]

Friday 20th[.] Frosty clear weather[.]

Saturday 21st[.] L'Homme qui fumme &c arrived & made a present of 10 Skins & 14 ps Dried Meat; Le Beaufils de Tabeault, one of 17 Skins & 15 ps Dried Meat[.] Le gros Français sent his writ with a present of 10 Sks and 9 ps Dried Meat, L'homme qui s'Encule, sent his writ with 13 Skins & 10 ps Dried Meat[.] Gave the former 7 Galls[,] the Beaufils de Tabault 9 Galls[,] The Gros François ½ a keg; and the latter 7 Galls[.]

Sunday 22nd[.] The above mentioned Indians traded & went off[.] I made a writ for Tabault's adopted son[.]

Monday 23rd[.] The Hunter came back to the Fort unasked for[.] He has killd 15 Cattle since he [last] went out[.] Mixt 13 kegs Rum[.]

Tuesday 24th[.] Massollait went to reside at the Forks[.] Pierre Desmarais to return here in his place[.] I suppose the men were the instigators of the Hunter's Coming in to feast the Hollidays[.]

Wednesday 25th Xmas[.] Colin & Ls St Pierre came from the River la Saurie in less than 4 days[.]

Thursday 26th[.] Le Pere du Grimaçeu arrived & made a present of 11 Skins & 9 ps meat for which I gave him ½ a keg as he Paid his Credit[.] The Hunter had 8 fioles to Drink with the Indians[.]

Friday 27th[.] Colin & St Pierre Started for Mr Grants[.] Neil McKay on his return from the Saulteu Tents sent 6 trains for Goods[.]

Saturday 28th[.] An Assinibouan came from the 2nd Lake of this River qui appelle who says the Warriors are return'd having kill'd one Man & 8 women & taken two female captives[.]

Sunday 29th[.] The Pine Fort men Started on their return home this morning[.] Paul Tranquille came from the Forks[.] Mr Grant & Suit came from River Tremblante[.] Next day he went to the Forks and desir'd me to


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