Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Novr & Decr 1793

Tuesday 26th[.] Traded with the Assinibouans[.] Gave the Hunter a Gun & Cloathing[.]

Wednesday 27th[.] The Assinibs went away[.] La Gaur kill'd a Bull on the brow of the hill just above the Fort, which we did not send for[.] Snowed a little[.]

Thursday 28th[.] A Beautifull mild day[.] The Hunter kill'd 3 Cows[.]

Friday 29th[.] Brought home the meat of the 3 Cows[.] [A] mild day[.]

Saturday 30th St Andrews day[.] Hoisted the flag in honor of the Tutelary St of Scotland[.] [A] beautiful day[.] Expected Messrs Peter Grant and Neil McKay to dinner[.] They sent an excuse by Bonneau & the other three men Sent by McKay for Goods[.]

Sunday 1st Decr[.] Messrs Peter Grant & McKay came to see me[.]

Monday 2nd[.] The Gents from the Forks returnd home[.] Châwin or Chât-huan came from his Lodge this morning in the Fort Dauphin mountain, along with the little Hunter who went to McKays at the Forks[.] Lent Mr Peter Grant a Town & Country magazine of '90[.] Poitras' wife Made me nine pairs Shoes[.]

Tuesday 3rd[.] Poitras kill'd a Cow at the Prairie a la Paille ½ a mile from the Fort which La Grave drew home[.] Last night Chât-huan got 2 fioles to drink & when he went off this morning 30 Rounds Ammunition Gratis with an arms length of Tobacco[.]

Wednesday 4th[.] [A] Snow Storm began last night which from the NE. which lasted all day[.] The men from the Pine Fort returnd except three youngsters who lost their way[.] They say they have Starved these three days[.]

Thursday 5th[.] Sent Jaco & young aAzure to look for the men who are lost[.] They came home in the afternoon without any tidings of them[.] Sent La Grave to the Forks with a line for McKay regarding the three lost sheep[.]

Friday 6th[.] Five men from the upper Fort (Mr Grant's) came for Goods & Dubey came with them to go to the Mandans (a nation living en village on the banks of the Missouri) to Trade[.] The three men who went astray coming from the Pine Fort came home having at 1 PAM – having accidentally fallen in with the post at the Forks[.]

Saturday 7th[.] The Hunter kill'd a young Bull[.]

Sunday 8th[.] The upper Fort men went off with their errand[.] Equipt nine men for the Missouri with Equipments on their own accounts, chiefly ammunition, amounting in the whole to 272 Skins[.]

Monday 9th[.] Two young Assinibouans came for Tobacco one from the Michinaway du Chien fou, and another Assinibouan in company with him[.]

Tuesday 10th[.] The Nine Men Equipt for the Missouri Started vizt Raphaël Faignan, Antoine Bourier dit Lavigne, Joseph Dubé, JBte Lafrance, Joseph Tranquille, JBte Bertrand, Chrisostome Joncquard, Louis Houle, & Francois La Grave[.] Michinaway du Chien fou & associate came in, two Lodges[.] The former made a present of 30 ps Dried Meat & 10 Skins, for which he got 9 Galls to take away with him; He made a small present of 5 ps dried meat & 10 fresh tongues to Drink here for which he got 8 fioles[.] Gave the Hunter 6 fioles to Drink with them[.]


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