Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Novr 1793

Friday 15th[.] The men from the Upper Fort Mr Grants sent with Goods return'd[.] Had by them a letter from Mr Grant with directions to send with out delay Ten men & Trains to the Pine Fort for Goods[.]

Saturday 16th[.] Three men I had sent for to the forks for to join mine in their voyage to the Pine Fort arrived[.] La Petite Riviere with another Assinibouan came in to trade, the former made a present of 28 ps Dried Meat & 9 Bladds Grease & 8 Wolves for a large keg to take away with him and another present of 10 ps Dried Meat to Drink here[,] gave him two Galls[.] Agreed with him to hunt for us this winter for 60 Skins[.]

Sunday 17th[.] Early this morning the Ten Men Started for the Pine Fort[.] Jos Azure kill'd a Cow, & a Bull, Raphaël Faignau kill'd 3 Cows & a Bull & JBte Huneau a Bull[.]

Monday 18th[.] Drew the meat of the above cattle home[.] La Grasse who has the horses in charge found the Red mare dead[.] JBte Huneau kill'd another Bull & Faignau a Cow[.]

Tuesday 19th[.] The River Tremblante men started on their way home well loaded with Goods[.]

Wednesday 20th[.] I took Jos Tranquille with me & went to pay Mackay a visit at the Forks[.] [A] bright Sunny day blowing hard from the westward[.] Faignau kill'd two Cows & La Gaus two also[.]

Thursday 21st[.] Drew home the Meat of the last four Cows[.] [A]n Assinibouan of the Gens des filles came in & made a present of 19 wolves & 9 ps Dried meat, Tabault's Daughter a present of 10 ps Dried Meat & 3 ps pd meat; Gave the former ½ a keg and six fioles over & the latter 2 Gallons[.]

Friday 22nd[.] Azure & Faignau kill'd a young Bull, but found him entirely eaten up by the wolves, next morning when they went for him[.]

Saturday 23rd[.] The men were in chase of a white Buffalo all day, but could not get within Shot of him[.] Faignau kill'd two Cows, a mild day[.]

Sunday 24th[.] The men commenced a fresh chase of the white Buffalo but with as little success as the preceding day[.] Chamard & Hamelin came for Goods from the Forks[.]

Monday 25th[.] The Hunter (Little River) sent for Trains to help him in, he arrived about 3 pm[.] There arrived also three Assinibouans in one Lodge who made a present of 31 ps Dried Meat & a 3 Gall. keg fill'd with grease[.] Gave them in return 7 Galls Rum[.] They also made a present of 9 ps meat to drink at the Fort; gave them 8 fioles[.]


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