Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


October 1793 & Novr

Thursday Thursday 24th[.] There fell Six Inches snow last night[.] Drew up the Boats to pass the winter[.] The River frozen over[.] [A] Single Lodge of Assinibouans came in to Trade[.]

Friday 25th[.] Traded upwards of 70 Skins with the last Assinibn[.] [A] cold winter day[.]

Saturday 26th[.] [N]ot so cold[.] Good Skating, of which I avail Mysel[f.]

Sunday 27th[.] [A] fine calm day[.] [A]ll the men Drunk[.] 28 & 29th no[…]

Wednesday 30th[.] I cut a flag staff which we hauld home in the evening La Grue's Father in law came to the Fort[.]

Thursday 31st[.] The last mention'd Savage went off with his errand[.] Two of Mr N. McKays men came from the Forks supposing this to be all saints day[.] Raised our flag staff 50 feet above ground of Poplar[.]

Friday Novr 1st[.] All saints day[.] Two Lodges Assinibouans came to trade[.]

Saturday 2nd[.] The Two Lodges went off – and Le Pensionnaire came in[.]

Sunday 3rd[.] Jos Tranquille came from Mr Grants Fort & brot me a lette[r.]

Monday 4th[.] Pack'd up some Goods for Mr Grants into Loads[.] I likewise sent Peltier with a small Horse load to the Forks & wrote to McKay to oeconomise tho I have no particular charge over him[.]

Tuesday 5th[.] Peltier came back from McKay's[.]

Wednesday 6th[.] Five men, 5 Loaded Horses & five Dog Trains Started with Goods for Mr Grant's R. Tremblante[.] Peltier, Old Robert Taylor, (free man from the Missouri found dead in 1801 in ye lake of Isle a la Crosse) & Tousst Charbonneau, Gervais and Bellair Started for the Pine Fort[.] Mr Grant is so ill off fo[r] writing that he hired this Robert Taylor for $60 Dollars for the winter to write for Augé whom we left at R La Sauris along side of Mr Ronald Cameron & where we have since learnt Mr Dd McKay with his HB Boats & Canoes has set himself also[.]

Thursday 7th[.] Two Lodges of Assinibouans came in, having sent for Tobacco this morning[.] One of them made a present of 40 ps Dried meat & t'other one of 24 ps[.] Gave the former 6 & the latter 3 Galls[.]

Friday 8th[.] They traded & went off[.] Le Gros Français with another Assinibn arriv'd at noon [he] Brought La Brûhe's (writ)[.] They made presents for two half kegs[.]

Saturday 9th[.] The Indians went away about the middle of last night[.] 10th[.] [N]othing happen'd[.]

Monday 11th[.] L'homme a la poudre came for Tobacco[.] We had people from McKays for Goods which were sent[.] An Assinibouan came in after mid night with a pack of wolves say 20 of which he made a present, gave him in return 2 kegs of 3 Galls each[.] He slept but one night on his way here & came from a Buffalo pound or parce an inclosure to drive in whole herds of Buffalo at once[.]

Tuesday 12th[.] The Assinibouan went off in the morning[.]

Wednesday 13th[.] I tied up a Bale wolves contg 70, ½ a Bale Bar contg 38 & ½ Bale peltries[.]

Thursday 14th[.] [A] Soft thawing day[.]


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 in red , modifications made by the editor(s).
 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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