Journal, Assiniboines and Rivière Qu'Appelle, 1793-1795. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0007


Octr 1793

Friday 11th[.] Arrived at the Fort of the River qui appelle calld by Mr Robert Grant when he built it Fort Esperance[.] About Sixty Lodges of Indians at the Fort, Chiefly Crees[.]

Saturday 12th[.] I went with Mr. C. Grant to the Forks – To separate the men Canoes & Goods intended for the Upper Fort or River Tremblante from those that are to come here[.]

Sunday 13th[.] Returned from the Forks after performing the duty we went upon[.] Traded with the Assinibouans a quaintity of provisions; Many of them went away not chusing to stay and drink with the Krees[.]

Monday 14th[.] Traded Skins & provisions with the Krees[.] The Horses sent to Lighten the Canoes returnd[.] Mixt Liquor at night – say two Galls High wines to the 9 Gall. keg[.]

Tuesday 15th[.] Gave the Krees some Credits[.] They were drunk & troublesome at night[.]

Wednesday 16th[.] Some of the Squesissi-bouatac gens des filles arrived[,] made their presents and got Drunk[.]

Thursday 17th[.] Traded with La Brêche & his Assinibouans; They went off[.]

Friday 18th[.] Neil McKay Set out to build & winter at the Forks of this River alon[g] side of Mr Peter Grant who has made his pitch about five Leagues from here[.] Mr N. McKay's effects are carried in two Boats navigated by five men ea[ch.] Mr. C. Grant Set out also for his quarters of River Tremblante abo[ut] thirty Leagues from here[.] The Dogs made a woefull howling at all these departures[.]

Saturday 19th[.] Peltier & Sansregret came from the Pine Fort with letters from Jn Miln left in charge there which I immediately sent after Mr C. Grant by Jos Tranquille[.] Seventeen Warriors came from the Banks of the Missouri for Tobacco, hav[ing] slept ten nights on their way here; They are emissaries from a party of Assinibouans who went to War upon the Scioux[.]

Sunday 20th[.] The warriors traded a few Skins brought upon their backs & went off ill pleased with their reception[.] After dusk the Dogs kept a constant Barking which induced a belief that Some of the warriors were lurking about to the Fort Seeking an opportunity to Steal[.] I took a Sword & Pistol & went to Sleep in the Store[.]

Monday 21st[.] Nothing took place[.]

Tuesday 22nd[.] Paul Tranquille came from the Forks for a supply of goods for Neil McKay which I sent him[.] Dug up & enterd our potatoes Say Ten Bushels[.]

Wednesday 23rd[.] A Raw Cold Day[.] Last night the first snow fell, covering the Ground like a Strong Hoar frost[.] Two young Assinibouans came for Tobo[.] Slept 8 nights on their way[.]


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