
Case Two - Teaching Inuktitut

The primary goal of the Moravian missionaries in Labrador in the 18th century was to spread the Gospel among the Inuit, and they did this by preaching, teaching and living among the Inuit. All missionaries were required to learn Inuktitut and they were not permitted to preach in the settlement churches until they were fluent in the Inuit's language.

In the early years, the missionaries transcribed biblical texts into a written form of Inuktitut using Latin characters, Inuktitut roman orthography. The translations were sent to Germany or England to be printed and then returned to the mission stations.

In the early 19th century, an Anglican missionary ministered to Inuit in Northern Quebec (Nunavik) and transcribed parts of these same Moravian biblical translations using symbols, syllabic orthography. These Church Missionary Society (CMS) publications were used across the eastern Arctic in mission churches and in Inuit homes.

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