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Works in the exhibition
- A-B-PAT : ubvalo okautsit iliniaraksat sorutsinut. -- London : Moravian Publication Office, 1929.
- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVZ : Aglait ingmingnik nippiggit ... -- [S.l. : s.n., 185-?].
- Aglait Illunainortut / [ed. by A. Martin and C. Schmitt.] -- Nain, Nfld. : [s.n.], 1902-1914?
- Aglait Illunainortut / [ed. by A. Martin and C. Schmitt.] -- Nain, Nfld. : [s.n.], 1902-1914?
- Aglait illunainortut / [ed. by A. Martin and C. Schmitt.] -- Nain, Nfld. : [s.n.], 1902-1914?
- Atuaqnik. -- Fort Chimo, Que. : Taqralik/Atuaqnik. --
- Baptijumik heiligemik = Of Holy Baptism, Esquimaux. Londonneme : W. M'Dowallib, nenilauktangit, 1820.
- Binney, George, 1900- The Eskimo book of knowledge, / by George Binney ; rendered into the Labrador dialect by W.W. Perrett, with the assistance of S.K. Hutton. London : Hudson's Bay Co., 1931.
- Bourquin, Theodor Apersûtit kigutsillo unipkautsinut aglangne hailiginêtunut apostelillo kingornganne pijokalaurtunut illingajut ... Biblische und kirchengeschichtliche Fragen und Antworten sowie Erklärung verschiedener Fremdwörter / gedruckt auf Kosten der S.F.G. in London. -- Stolpen : G. Winter, 1872.
- Bourquin, Theodor Grammatik der Eskimo-Sprache, wie sie im Bereich der Missions-Niederlassungen der Brüdergemeine an der Labradorküste gesprochen wird : auf Grundlage der Kleinschmidtschen Grammatik der Grönlandischen Sprache, sowie älterer Labrador-Grammatiken zum Gebrauch der Labrador-Missionare / bearbeitet von Theodor Bourquin. -- London : Zu beziehen durch die Moravian Mission Agency, und durch die Unitäts = Buchhandlung in Gnadau 1891.
- Brice-Bennett, Carol, 1949- St. John's, NL : Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, c2003.
- Campbell, Lydia. Sketches of Labrador life / by Lydia Campbell ; [with a foreword by Doris Saunders and original art by Labrador artists]. St. John's, Nfld. : Killick Press, 2000.
- Canton, William, 1845-1926. A history of the British and Foreign Bible Society / by William Canton. -- London : John Murray, 1904-1910.
- Die Evangelischen Missionen : illustriertes Familienblatt. -- Gütersloh : C. Bertelsmann, 1895-[1914?].
- Elsner, A. F. Geografi ubvalo nunaksûb nunangita okautigijauningit = Geographie oder Beschreibung der Länder der Erde. -- Stolpen : G. Winterib nenilauktangit, 1880.
- Erdmann, Friedrich, 1810-1873 Eskimoisches Wörterbuch, : gesammelt von den Missionaren in Labrador / revidirt und herausgegeben von Friedrich Erdmann. -- Budissin : Ernst Moritz Monse, 1864.
- Gosling, William Gilbert, 1863-1930. Labrador : its discovery, exploration, and development / by W.G. Gosling. -- Toronto : Musson Book Co., [between 1910 and 1913].
- Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, Sir, 1865-1940. Down to the sea : yarns from the Labrador / by Wilfred T. Grenfell. New York ; Toronto : Fleming H. Revell Co., c1910.
- Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, Sir, 1865-1940. Forty years for Labrador / by Sir Wilfred Grenfell. -- Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1932.
- Gudib perkojangit tellimaujortut : Ajochertûtsit pijarialiksuit tellimat. -- Bautzen : Gedruckt bei E.M. Monse, 1865.
- Hamilton, J. Taylor (John Taylor), 1859-1951. A history of the missions of the Moravian church : during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / by J. Taylor Hamilton. Bethlehem, Pa. : Times Pub. Co., 1901.
- Harp, George. Aritmatik ubvalo numerilerinek : Sivorliarutsit / G. Harp. -- Hopedale [Labrador] : [s.n.], 1942.
- Howard, Photo album: Labrador.
- Howard, Photo album: Snapshots of Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Howard, Photo album: Snapshots of Newfoundland and Labrador. 1923.
- Hutton, S. K. (Samuel King), 1877-1961 Among the Eskimos of Labrador : a record of five years close intercourse with the Eskimo tribes of Labrador / by S. K. Hutton. London : Seeley, Service, 1912.
- Igloliorte, John. An Inuk boy becomes a hunter / John Igloliorte. Halifax, N.S. : Nimbus, c1994.
- Illagêt Labradoremiut : Illusiksangit Malligaksangillo, illingavlutik inôtsemut anernerme arvertarnermullo Gûdib idluarijanganut. -- [S.l. : s.n., 1900?].
- Imgerutsit nôtiggit 100 : Hundert eskimoische Lieder, freie Übersetzungen und Nachbildungen deutscher Volksgesänge. -- Leipzig : E. Pöschel, 1872.
- Inuit today. -- Ottawa : Inuit Tapirisat of Canada, 1975-.
- Inuktitut. Ottawa : Indian and Northern Affairs, 1959-.
- Inuktitut. Ottawa : Indian and Northern Affairs, 1959-.
- Ittuksardjuat, Monica. Qimuksiraujaqtut / Monica Ittuksardjuat. Iqaluit, N.W.T. : Baffin Divisional Board of Education, 1988.
- Jahres-Bericht von dern Missionswerk der Brüdergemeine : vom ... nebst der Rechnung der Missionsdiaconie vom ... . -- Bautzen : C.R. Monse, [186-].
- Johnston, James, F.S.S. Grenfell of Labrador /. by James Johnston ... With portrait, map and twenty-six illustrations. London, S. W. Partridge & co. [1908].
- Journal of a Voyage from Okkak: on the Coast of Labrador to Ungava Bay, Westward of Cape Chudleigh; Undertaken to Explore the Coast, and Visit the Esquimaux in that Unknown Region. London: Printed by W. M’Dowall for the [United] Brethren’s Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel Among the Heathen, 1814.
- Komunionemik heiligemik = Of the Holy Communion. Esquimaux. Londonneme : W. M'Dowallib, nenilauktangit, 1820.
- La Trobe, Benjamin, 1725-1786. A brief account of the mission established among the Esquimaux Indians on the coast of Labrador, by the Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum. -- London : printed by M. Lewis ... for the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel,and sold by M. Lewis, and at all the Brethren's chapels, 1774.
- La Trobe, Benjamin, 1725-1786. With the Harmony to Labrador : notes of a visit to the Moravian mission stations on the north-east coast of Labrador / by the Rev. B. La Trobe. -- London : Moravian Church and Mission Agency, [1888?].
- Lynge, Aqqaluk, 1947- Taqqat uummammut aqqutaannut takorluukkat apuuffiannutt = the veins of the heart to the pinnacle of the mind / by Aqqaluk Lynge ; illustrations by Aka Hoegh ; English translation by Ken Norris & Marianne Stenbaek. Montreal : International Polar Institute, c2008.
- Maggo, Paulus, 1910- Remembering the years of my life : journeys of a Labrador Inuit hunter / recounted by Paulus Maggo ; edited with an introduction by Carol Brice-Bennet. St. John's, Nfld. : ISER Books, 1999.
- Makivik magazine. [Kuujjuak, Québec?] : Makivik Corp. 1980- .
Courtesy of Bob Mesher.
- Missions - Atlas der Brüdergemeine : Sechzehn Karten mit Text / herausgegeben von der Missionsdirektion der Evangelischen Brüder-Unität. -- Herrhut : Expedition der Missionsververwaltung, 1895.
- Mosesib aglangita sivorlingit, assingitalo tuksiarutsiningit nertordlerutingillo imgerusertaggit = The book of Genesis translated into the Esquimaux language / by the missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum, or, United Brethren. -- London : W. M'Dowall, printer, 1834.
- Nappaaluk, Mitiarjuk. Sanaaq : roman / edited by Bernard Saladin d'Anglure, -- Montréal : Stanké, [2002].
- Northern voices : Inuit writing in English / edited by Penny Petrone. -- Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c1988.
- Okautsit illiniaraksat sorrutsinut. Budisineme: E.M. Monsib, nênilauktangit, 1867.
- Our footprints are everywhere : Inuit land use and occupancy in Labrador / [director and general editor Carol Brice-Bennett]. Nain, Nfld. : Labrador Inuit Association, c1977.
- Packard, A. S. (Alpheus Spring), 1839-1905. The Labrador coast : a journal of two summer cruises to that region : with notes on its early discovery, on the Eskimo, on its physical geography, geology and natural history / by Alpheus Spring Packard. -- New York : N.D.C. Hodges, 1891.
- Paper stays put : a collection of Inuit writing / edited by Robin Gedalof ; drawings by Alootook Ipellie. -- Edmonton : Hurtig Publishers, [1980].
- Peck, E. J. (Edmund James), 1850-1924. Apostle to the Inuit : the journals and ethnographic notes of Edmund James Peck, the Baffin years, 1894-1905 / edited by Frédéric Laugrand, Jarich Oosten and François Trudel. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c2006.
- Peck, E. J. (Edmund James), 1850-1924. Eskimo grammar / by E. J. Peck. Ottawa : Printed at the Surveyor General's Office, 1919.
- Portions of the Book of Common Prayer together with hymns and addresses in Eskimo / by E.J. Peck, also, Eskimo hymns by W.G. Walton. -- London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1914.
- Portions of the Book of common prayer, together with addresses, hymns and choruses in Eskimo (Eastern Arctic dialect) / by E.J. Peck, W.G. Walton, J.H. Turner and other missionaries to the Eskimos. Toronto : Printed by the Ryerson Press [for] Diocese of the Arctic, 1950.
- Portions of the Holy Scripture, for the use of the Esquimaux on the northern and eastern shores of Hudson's Bay / edited by Edmund Peck. -- London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1878.
- Portions of the Holy Scripture, for the use of the Esquimaux on the northern and eastern shores of Hudson's Bay / edited by Edmund Peck. -- London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1894.
- Prichard, Hesketh Vernon Hesketh, 1876-1922. Through trackless Labrador / by H. Hesketh Prichard, with a chapter on fishing by G.M. Gathorne - Hardy ; illustrated with a frontis piece by Lady Helen Graham, a map of the route, and from photographs. London : Heinemann, 1911.
- Qumaq Allatangit, Taamusi, 1914- Inuit uqausillaringit : ulirnaisigutiit / Taamusi Qumaq. -- Québec : Inuksiutikkunullu avatakkunullu nuitartitait, 1991.
- Rink, H. (Hinrich), 1819-1893. Tales and traditions of the Eskimo / by Henrik Rink ; translated from the Danish by the author ; with a new introd. by Helge Larsen. -- London : C. Hurst ; Copenhagen ; A. Busck, 1974.
- Rollmann, Hans, 1948- Labrador through Moravian eyes : 250 years of art, photographs & records / by Hans Rollmann. St. John's, Nfld. : Special Celebrations Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador, Inc., Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, 2002.
- Salomonib okãlagalãningit profeteniglo. : the proverbs of Solomon, and the prophecies of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the twelve minor prophets / translated into the Esquimaux language by the missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren. -- London : Printed for the use of the mission in Labrador, by the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1849.
- Schneider, Lucien. Ulirnaisigutiit : an Inuktitut-English dictionary of Northern Quebec, Labrador and Eastern Arctic dialects (with an English-Inuktitut index) / by Lucien Schneider ; translated from the French and transliterated by Dermot Ronan F. Collis. Québec : Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1985.
- Suptraction : ubvalo illangerterinek. -- [S.l. : s.n., 186?].
- Suptraction : ubvalo illangerterinek. -- [S.l. : s.n., 186?].
- Suptraction : ubvalo illangerterinek. -- [S.l. : s.n., 186?].
- Tamedsa Matthæusib, Markusib, Lukasib, Johannesiblo okautsinnik tussarnertunnik nalegapta piulijipta Jesusib Kristusib pinniarningit okausingillo / printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society for the use of the Christian Eskimaux in the mission-settlements of the United Bretheren on the coast of Labrador. London : W. M'Dowall, 1839.
- The Gospels according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John : translated into the language of the Esquimaux Indians, on the coast of Labrador / by the missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum ; or, United Brethren, residing at Nain, Okkak, and Hopedale. London : Printed by W. M'Dowall, 1813.
- The Missionary reporter : relating chiefly to the Missions of the United Brethren or Moravians. -- [London? : United Brethren?], 1861-1878.
- The tenth report of the British & Foreign Bible Society, M.DCCC.XIV : with an appendix and a list of subscribers and benefactors. -- London : Printed by J. Tilling, sold by L.B. Seeley, at the Society's depository ; Edinburgh : Oliphant, Waugh, and Innes and by all other booksellers in the United Kingdom, 1814.
- Them days. [Goose Bay, Nfld., : Labrador Heritage Society.
- Townsend, Charles Wendell, 1859- Along the Labrador coast / by Charles Wendell Townsend. -- Boston : Estes, c1907.
- Tuksiagalautsit : 1905 initat. -- Naineme nenertaumajut ; [1905].
- Tuksiagalautsit : 1912 initat. Sept. 1912. -- Naineme nenertaumajut : 1912.
- Tuksiarutsit : attorekset illagẽktunnut Labradoremetunnut. -- Londonneme : W. M'Dowallib, nenilauktangit, 1824.
- Tuksiarutsit : uvlãkut unnukullo, uvlunut tamainut illingajut Wocheme. -- Loebaume : E. Bastaniermullo & Dunskymullo nẽnertaulaukput, [1871?].
- Tumivut. Inukjuak, Nunavik, Qc : Avataq Cultural Institute,
- Ulrikab, Abraham, 1845?-1881. The diary of Abraham Ulrikab : text and context / translated by Hartmut Lutz and students from the University of Greifswald, Germany ; [Alootook Ipellie, foreword and cover art ; Hans-Ludwig Blohm, photos]. Ottawa : University of Ottawa Press, c2005.
- Watts's first catechism, in Esquimaux. -- [London] : F. Arnold, Printer, [188?].
- Wittenborn, Heiko. Nunavik : Québec arctique / [photographies] Heiko Wittenborn ; [texte de présentation] Lisa Koperqualuk ; [légendes] Lucie Dumas. Québec : Publications du Québec, c2003.