Author [ Tu Yaose]
屠瑤瑟﹐明萬曆人﹐女﹐字湘靈﹐鄞縣人(今浙江寧波)。Related Materials: 著有 留香草一卷。明史藝文志,名媛詩緯初編,鄞縣志有著錄。有屠隆弁言,程嘉燧小傳﹐屠繼序跋。 |
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名媛詩緯初編(清王端淑輯)。清康熙六年(1667)清音堂刻本 Ming yuan shi wei chu bian (Edited by Wang Duanshu, Qing dynasty) - (All texts in this collection authored by 屠瑤瑟 Tu Yaose ) |
宮閨文選:二十六卷,姓氏小錄 : 一卷(清周壽昌輯訂)。道光二十六年(1846)開雕 Gong gui wen xuan: 26 juan, Xing shi xiao lu: 1 juan (edited by Zhou Shouchang) - (All texts in this collection authored by 屠瑤瑟 Tu Yaose ) |
[ remarks and biographies on 屠瑤瑟 Tu Yaose ] |
《歷代婦女著作考》 P. 173 著錄 作者: 胡文楷 |
屠瑤瑟[略傳] Tu Yaose [lüe zhuan] 作者/Author﹕ 王端淑 Wang Duanshu |
[ Correspondence, etc. ] |
贈湘靈(二首) Zeng Xiangling 作者﹕沈天孫 Shen Tiansun |
禮觀音大士和湘靈 Li guan yin da shi he Xiangling 作者﹕沈天孫 Shen Tiansun |
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