Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Bai Bao]

百保(ca.1800-1861)﹐女﹐滿族﹐字友蘭﹐又名薩克達百保﹐長白人(今吉林長白)。Related Materials: 著有 《冷紅軒詩集三卷》《冷紅軒詩集二卷附詞》。販書偶記﹐崑山胡氏書目有著錄。有恭親王﹐彭蘊章﹐陶樑﹐那遜蘭保序﹐蓮齋三壽﹐佛芸保﹐李錦春題辭﹐薩克達氏自序。

Search the China Biographical Database for further information on Bai Bao

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[ Individual collections in this database authored by 百保 Bai Bao ]
Leng hong xuan shi ji: 2 juan, fu ci (by Baibao Youlan, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 百保 Bai Bao )
Leng hong xuan shi ji: 2 juan, fu ci (by Baibao Youlan, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 百保 Bai Bao )
[ anthologies in this database containing works by 百保 Bai Bao ]
Gui xiu zheng shi zai xu ji
- (All texts in this collection authored by 百保 Bai Bao )
Lü yun shan fang shi cao: 2 juan (by Lao Rongjun, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 百保 Bai Bao )
[ remarks and biographies on 百保 Bai Bao ]
《歷代婦女著作考》 P. 813 著錄 作者: 胡文楷
那遜蘭保序 Naxunlan Bao xu  作者/Author﹕ 那遜蘭保 Naxunlanbao
那遜蘭保序 Naxunlan Bao xu  作者/Author﹕ 那遜蘭保 Naxunlanbao
崇保跋 Chongbao ba  作者/Author﹕ 崇保 Chongbao
[ Correspondence, etc. ]
和友蘭三姊留别韻(二首) He Youlan san zi liu bie yun  作者﹕那遜蘭保 Naxunlanbao
五月廿八日即席再别友蘭三姉 Wu yue nian ba ri ji xi zai bie Youlan san zi  作者﹕那遜蘭保 Naxunlanbao
和友蘭三姊杭州见懷原韵(二首) He Youlan san zi Hangzhou jian huai yuan yun  作者﹕那遜蘭保 Naxunlanbao
寄和友蘭三姉(二首) Ji he Youlan san zi  作者﹕那遜蘭保 Naxunlanbao

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