Letter from Wilder Penfield to Paul Myers, October 22, 1930.
Letter from Wilder Penfield to Paul Myers, October 22, 1930.
Typewritten letter from Wilder Penfield to Paul Myers. Penfield is writing in response to a letter he received from Myers. In his letter it seems that Myers, along with two other mutual friends of Penfields' and Myers, Bill and Frances, are interested in buying cottages at Lake Memphremagog. Penfield discusses the details of this and jokes about a "sideline of bootlegging along the lake into the United States". He sends his and Helen Kermott Penfield's regards to Myers and his family. Penfield closes with a postscript that remarks about Myers' claim to soberness in his last letter to Penfield, leading Penfield to believe that perhaps Myers was indeed drinking at the time and may not be serious about his plans to buy a cottage at Lake Memphremagog. He asks that Myers write again to confirm that he is serious.
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