Sarum Hill, Basingstoke, postcard (back).
Sarum Hill, Basingstoke, postcard (front).
Second Interim Report the No. 1 Neurological Hospital, RCAMC, CASF.
Seventh Interim Report the No. 1 Neurological Hospital, RCAMC, CASF, November 30, 1940.
Sixth Interim Report the No. 1 Neurological Hospital, RCAMC, CASF, November 2, 1940.
St. Michaels Church, Basingstoke, postcard (back).
St. Michaels Church, Basingstoke, postcard (front).
Statement of Expenditure of Hospital Operations.
Summary of estimated costs of Alterations and Additions to the Montreal Neurological Institute, June 26, 1944.
Telegram correspondence between E.H. Botterell and Elizabeth Gordon, November 17, 1942.
Telegram from Wilder Penfield to C.E. Cross, December 18, 1940.
Tenth Interim Report the No. 1 Neurological Hospital, RCAMC, CASF, April 30, 1941.
The Canadian Red Cross Society, Quebec Financial Division, List of Equipment from St. Catherine Street Blood Donor Clinic...