Portraits can serve to honour the dead, or can be a method of self-promotion. While only a select few could see an original painting, the medium of the print allowed for a wider dissemination – prints could appear in publications and could be sold separately. They were often collected and exchanged by members of professional groups.
The essence of a portrait is the focus on the individual. It displays an exceptional person, commanding admiration and respect - it preserves a memory of a person who is deemed historically significant. Visual tropes are often utilized to assert a sitter’s status and to make reference to their accomplishments and intellectual endeavours.
Yet a portrait serves not only as a record of an individual, but as a tool in the self-fashioning of a group. Commissioned portraits, as well as books written by the sitters, are part of an “official” image – these records of achievement are created, printed, and circulated with a measure of control and endorsement by the sitter/author.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] X [Y] [Z]
Browse all portraits
Abbott, W. Osler (William Osler), 1902-1943
Abegg, Georg Friedrich Heinrich, 1826-1900
Abel, Clarke, 1780-1826
Abelous, Emile J.
Abernethy, John, 1764-1831
Achard, Charles, 1860-1944
Acland, Henry W. (Henry Wentworth), 1815-1900
Addison, Thomas, 1793-1860
Adler, Bernard Vincenz, 1753-1810
Agnew, D. Hayes (David Hayes), 1818-1892
Aikin, John, 1747-1822
Ainslie, Henry, 1760-1834
Aitken, William, 1825-1892
Albarran, J. (Joaquin), 1860-1912
Alberti, Michael, 1682-1757
Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried, 1697-1770
Albrecht, Eugen, 1872-1908
Alcock, Watson, d. 1855
Alderson, John, 1757-1829
Aldis, Charles, 1775-1863
Alibert, Jean-Louis-Marie, 1768-1837
Alison, William Pulteney, 1790-1859
Allen, William, 1770-1843
Alpini, Prosper, 1553-1617
Althof, Herman, 1835-1877
Ampère, André-Marie, 1775-1836
Andrew, James, 1831-1897
Arbuthnot, John, 1667-1735
Arloing, S. (Saturnin), 1846-1911
Armitage, Whaley, 1767-1855
Armstrong, Charles, 1750-1815
Armstrong, George Eli, 1855-1933
Armstrong, John, 1709-1779
Arnott, James (James Moncrieff), 1794-1885
Arnozan, Louis Xavier Charles, 1852-ca.1928
Aschoff, L. (Ludwig), 1866-1942
Ash, John, 1723-1798
Askew, Anthony, 1722-1774
Assmann, Herbert, b. 1882
Astruc, Jean, 1684-1766
Atkins, William
Atkinson, James, 1759-1839
Austen, E. E. (Ernest Edward), 1867-1938
Avicenna, 980-1037
Babington, William, 1756-1833
Babinski, J. (Joseph), 1857-1932
Baccelli, Guido, 1832-1916
Backus, John Bostwick, 1845-1914
Baer, Abraham Adolf, 1834-1908
Baeyer, Adolf von, 1835-1917
Baginsky, A. (Adolf), 1843-1918
Baglivi, Giorgio, 1668-1707
Baier, Ferdinand Jacob, 1707-1788
Baier, Johann Jakob, 1677-1735
Baillie, Matthew, 1760-1823
Bailly, Jean Sylvain, 1736-1793
Balard, Antoine-Jérome, 1802-1876
Baldwyn, Richard
Ballet, Gilbert Louis Siméon, 1853-1916
Banister, John, 1540-1610
Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820
Banting, Frederick Grant, Sir, 1891-1941
Banting, Henrietta, Lady, 1912-1976
Bantock, George Granville, 1837-1913
Bar, Paul Jean, 1853-1945
Barclay, John, 1758-1826
Bard, Louis, 1857-1930
Barié, Ernest Louis, b. 1848
Barker, Lewellys F. (Lewellys Franklin), 1867-1943
Barlow, Peter, 1776-1862
Barnes, Robert, 1817-1907
Baron, John, 1786-1851
Barrett, William, 1727-1789
Barrowby, William, 1682-1751
Barth, Joseph, 1745-1818
Bartholin, Thomas, 1616-1680
Barwick, Peter, 1619-1705
Basedow, Karl Adolf von, 1799-1854
Bassett, John Y. (John Young), 1805-1851
Bastian, H. Charlton
Bastwick, John, 1593-1654
Battlehner, Ferdinand, 1824-1906
Batty, Robert, 1763?-1849
Baumann, E. (Eugen), 1846-1896
Baumgarten, P. von (Paul von), 1848-1928
Bayern, Carl Theodor, Herzog in, 1839-1909
Bayfield, Robert, b. 1629
Beattie, James, 1735-1803
Becher, Julius, 1842-1907
Beck, Theodric Romeyn, 1791-1855
Behring, Emil von, 1854-1917
Belchier, John, 1706-1785
Bell, Benjamin, 1749-1806
Bell, Charles, 1774-1842
Bell, Jacobus, d. 1859
Bell, Thomas, 1792-1880
Bellacatus, Aloysius, 1501-1575
Bellot, J.-R. (Joseph-René), 1826-1853
Belon, Pierre, 1517?-1564
Benedikt, Moritz, 1835-1920
Beneke, Rudolf, b. 1861?
Bennet, James Henry, 1816-1891
Bennet, John, d. 1805
Berger, Johann Justus de, 1723-1791
Berger, Paul, 1845-1908
Bergmann, Ernst von, 1836-1907
Berkenhout, John, 1730?-1791
Berlin, Rudolf, 1833-1897
Bernard, Claude, 1813-1878
Berndorff, J.G.J., 1784-1842
Bernheim, H. (Hippolyte), 1840-1919
Bernoulli, Daniel, 1700-1782
Bernoulli, Jean, 1667-1748
Besard, Jean Baptiste, b. ca. 1567
Best, Charles Herbert, 1899-1978
Bestelmeyer, Wilhelm Ritter von, 1847-1913
Bethune, Matthew Townsend
Bethune, Norman
Béclard, J. (Jules), 1817-1887
Béclard, P. A. (Pierre Auguste), 1785-1825
Bianzallo, Giantommaso, d. 1620
Bichat, Xavier, 1771-1802
Biggs, Hermann M. (Hermann Michael), 1859-1923
Billing, Archibald, 1791-1881
Billings, Frank, 1854-1932
Billings, John S. (John Shaw), 1838-1913
Billroth, Theodor, 1829-1894
Binz, Carl, 1832-1913
Birch, John, 1745?-1815
Birkbeck, George, 1776-1841
Black, Dr.
Black, Joseph, 1728-1799
Black, William, 1749-1829
Blackader, A. D.
Blackall, John, 1771-1860
Blackmore, Richard, Sir, d. 1729
Blackwood, Henry, 1588-1634
Bleuler, Eugen, 1857-1939
Blizard, William, Sir, 1743-1835
Bloomfield, Arthur L. (Arthur Leonard), b. 1888
Blundell, Dr., 1790-1878
Boas, Ismar, 1858-1938
Boavida, Américo
Boerhaave, Hermann, 1665-1738
Boerhaave, Hermann, 1668-1738
Boezo, Heinrich, 1615-1689
Bonet, Théophile, 1620-1689
Bonnet, A. (Amédée), 1802-1858
Bonnet, Charles, 1720-1793
Boorde, Andrew, 1490?-1549
Booth, William, 1829-1912
Borst, Maximilian, 1869-1946
Bosquillon, M. (Edouard-François-Marie), 1744-1816
Bostock, John, 1773-1846
Bostroem, Eugen, 1850-1928
Bottoni, Alberto, d. ca. 1596
Bouchard, Ch. (Charles), 1837-1915
Bouillard, Jean-Baptiste, 1796-1881
Bourgeoys, Marguerite, Saint, 1620-1700
Bouvart, Michel-Philippe, 1711-1787
Bowman, William, Sir, 1816-1892
Boyer, Jean Baptiste Nicolas, 1693-1768
Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691
Brand, Ernst, 1827-1897
Brandreth, Joseph, 1746-1815
Brauer, Ludolph, 1865-1951
Braun, Heinrich, 1862-1934
Bretonneau, Pierre-Fidèle, 1778-1862
Bridgland, Dr.
Briggs, William, 1642-1704
Bright, Richard, 1789-1858
Brissaud, Édouard, 1852-1909
Bristol, Amos Samuel, 1825-1889
Broadbent, W. H. (William Henry), Sir, 1835-1907
Brocklesby, Richard, 1722-1797
Brodie, Benjamin, Sir, 1783-1862
Broek, C.L. van den
Bronzerio, Giovanni Girolamo, 1577-1630
Brookes, Joshua, 1761-1833
Broster, John
Brouardel, P. (Paul), 1837-1906
Broussais, F. J. V. (François Joseph Victor), 1772-1838
Brown, Edward, 1644-1708
Brown, John
Brown, John, 1735-1788
Brown, Robert Charles, Sir, 1836-1925
Brown, Robert, 1773-1858
Brown, Samuel, 1817-1856
Brown, Tom, 1872-1950
Browne, Arthur A., 1848-1910
Browne, John, 1642-ca. 1700
Browne, Lennox, 1841-1902
Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682
Browne, William, 1692-1774
Brunner, Franz, doctor
Brunton, T. Lauder (Thomas Lauder), Sir, 1844-1916
Brückmann, Franz Ernst, 1697-1753
Bryant, Joseph D. (Joseph Decatur), 1845-1914
Brünings, Wilhelm, 1876-1958
Buchan, Dr.
Buchan, William, 1729-1805
Buchner, Eduard, 1860-1917
Budd, Richard, 1746-1821
Budin, P. (Pierre), 1846-1907
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de, 1707-1788
Buhl, Ludwig von, 1816-1880
Buller, Frank, 1844-1905
Bumke, Oswald, 1877-1950
Bunsen, R. (Robert), 1811-1899
Burckhardt, Hermann von, 1847-1907
Burggraeve, Ad. (Adolphe), 1806-1902
Burggrave, Johann Philipp, 1700-1775
Burlingame, C. Charles (Clarence Charles), 1885-1950
Burman, Johannes, 1707-1779
Burrows, George, Sir, 1801-1887
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
Butler, William, 1535-1618
Butter, John, 1791-1877
Butts, William, 1485-1545
Butts, William, Sir, 1485?-1545
Büchner, Andreas Elias, 1701-1769
Bürger, Max, 1885-1966
Cabanis, P. J. G. (Pierre Jean Georges), 1757-1808
Calmette, A. (Albert), 1863-1933
Calot, François, 1861-1944
Camerer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm, 1842-1910
Campbell, Francis Wayland, 1837-1905
Campbell, Thomas, 1777-1844
Capivaccio, Girolamo, 1523-1589
Cardano, Girolamo, 1501-1576
Carlisle, Anthony, Sir, 1768-1840
Carmichael, Duncan A., 1851-1929
Carnot, Lazare Adolphe Paul, 1869-1957
Carpenter, William Benjamin, 1813-1885
Carrel, Alexis, 1873-1944
Carswell, Robert, Sir, 1793-1857
Carter, Robert Brudenell, 1828-1918
Cartwright, Samuel, 1789-1864
Casserio, Giulio, ca. 1552-1616
Castro Sarmento, Jacob de, 1692-1762
Cazenave, P.-L. Alphée (Pierre-Louis Alphée), 1795-1877
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius -- Portraits
Cestoni, Diacinto, 1637-1718
Chadwick, Edwin, 1800-1890
Chamberlen, Peter, 1601-1683
Chambers, William Frederic, 1786-1855
Chambre, John, 1470-1549
Chantemesse, André, 1851-1919
Charcot, J. M. (Jean Martin), 1825-1893
Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649
Charner, B. [?]
Chawner, Rupert, 1751-1836
Cheselden, William, 1688-1752
Cheyne, George, 1673-1743
Cheyne, John, 1777-1836
Chiene, John, 1843-1923
Chipman, Clarence Jared Hill, b. 1845
Christison, Robert, Sir, 1797-1882
Chrobak, Rudolf, 1840-1910
Clark, Andrew, 1826-1893
Clark, Charles Edgar, 1843-1922
Clark, John
Clarke, Adam, ca. 1762-1832
Clarke, Charles Mansfield, Sir, 1782-1857
Clarke, Dr.
Clarke, John, 1761-1815
Clauder, Gabriel, 1633-1691
Clayton, Oscar, Sir, 1816-1892
Cleghorn, George, 1716-1789
Clive, Robert Clive, Baron, 1725-1774
Clutterbuck, Henry, 1767-1856
Cock, Edward, 1805-1892
Coffin, A. I. (Albert Isaiah)
Cohn, Ferdinand, 1828-1898
Coitier, Jacques, 1440-1506
Cole, Abdiah, ca. 1610-ca. 1670
College, Stephen, ca. 1635-1681
Colles, Abraham, 1773-1843
Collins, Samuel, 1618-1710
Collot, Philippe, 1593-1656
Conny, Robert, 1645?-1713
Conolly, John, 1794-1866
Conring, Hermann, 1606-1681
Cony, Robert, d. 1722
Cook, J.A.
Cooke, James, 1614-1694
Cooke, John, 1756-1838
Cooper, Alfred, Sir, 1838-1908
Cooper, Astley, Sir, 1768-1841
Cooper, Bransby Blake, 1792-1853
Cooper, John Hutton, Sir, 1765-1828
Cooper, Samuel, 1780-1848
Copeland, Thomas, 1781-1855
Copland, James, 1791-1870
Copley, Edward, 1755-1813
Coram, Thomas, 1668?-1751
Cornarius, Janus, 1500-1558
Cornil, V. (Victor), 1837-1908
Corvisart des Marets, Jean Nicolas, baron, 1755-1821
Cosmas, Saint
Cotton, Nathaniel, 1705-1788
Coulson, William, 1802-1877
Courmont, Jules, 1865-1917
Covernton, Charles William, 1813-1901
Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667
Cowper, William, 1666-1709
Coÿne, Paul Louis
Craigie, Andrew, 1744-1819
Cramer, A. (August), 1860-1912
Crampton, Philip, Sir, 1777-1858
Cream, Thomas Neill, 1850-1892
Credé, Karl Siegmund Franz, 1819-1892
Crescenzi, Pietro de', ca. 1233-ca. 1320
Crosse, William Henry, 1858-1903
Cruickshank, William, 1745-1800
Cruveilhier, J. (Jean), 1791-1874
Cullen, William, 1710-1790
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654
Cuming, William, 1714-1788
Curie, Marie, 1867-1934
Currie, Arthur, Sir, 1875-1933
Currie, James, 1756-1805
Curschmann, H. (Heinrich), 1846-1910
Curtis, John Harrison, 1778-ca. 1860
Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832
Czermák, Johann N. (Johann Nepomuk), 1828-1873
Dalrymple, William, 1772-1847
Dalton, John, 1766-1844
Damian, Saint, d. ca. 303.
Daniel, William Barker, 1753?-1833
Darling, George, 1782?-1862
Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882
Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802
Darwin, Robert Waring, 1766-1848
Dauphin, J.M. [?]
Davies, John, d. 1850
Davis, John
Davis, N. S. (Nathan Smith), 1817-1904
Day, Horatio Grosvenor, ca. 1814-1867
De Mainauduc, John Boniot, d. 1797
Debierre, M. (Charles-Marie), 1853-1932
Debove, Maurice Georges, 1845-1920
Degner, Johann Hartmann, 1687-1756
Dehio, Karl, 1851-1927
Delafield, Edward, 1794-1875
Delbet, Pierre (Pierre Louis Ernest), 1861-1957
Denucé, Jean-Henri Maurice, 1859-1924
Depaul, J.-A.-H. (Jean-Anne-Henri), 1811-1883
Desault, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1744-1795
Desgrez, A.
Desmonceaux, M. l'abbé, 1734-1806
Desplats, Henri, 1843-1912
Devergie, M. (Marie-Nicolas)
Dézallier d'Argenville, A.-J. (Antoine-Joseph), 1680-1765
Diemerbroeck, Ysbrand van, 1609-1674
Diepgen, Paul, 1878-
Dietz, Johann Simon Jeremias von, 1803-1877
Dieulafoy, Georges, 1839-1911
Dillenius, Johann Jakob, 1687-1747
Dimsdale, Thomas, 1712-1800
Dionis, Mr (Pierre), d. 1718
Dippe, Hugo, 1855-1929
Divernesse, Dr.
Dock, George, 1860-1951
Dodoens, Rembert, 1517-1585
Dollond, John, 1706-1761
Domagk, Gerhard, 1895-1964
Douce, Francis, 1676-1760
Douglas, James, 1800-1886
Downman, Hugh, 1740-1809
Doyen, Eugène-Louis, 1859-1916
Dr. Sharemo, d. 1791
Drake, Francis, 1696-1771
Drake, Nathan, 1766-1836
Drummond, William Henry, 1854-1907
Dryander, Johann, 1500-1560
Du Laurens, André, 1558-1609
Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658
Dubar, Louis Eugène Emile, 1851-1928
Dubuisson, Louis, 1842-1914
Duchenne, G.-B. (Guillaume-Benjamin), 1806-1875
Dufour, Marc, 1843-1910
Dujardin-Beaumetz, 1833-1895
Dumas, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste), 1800-1884
Dunant, Henry, 1828-1910
Duncan, Andrew, 1744-1828
Duncan, J.
Duncan, John
Duplay, Simon Emmanuel, 1836-1920
Dupuytren, Guillaume, 1777-1835
Duval, Mathias, 1844-1907
Dyer, Ezra, 1836-1887
Earle, Henry, 1789-1838
Earle, James, Sir, 1755-1817
Ebstein, Wilhelm, 1836-1912
Eckhard, Conrad, 1822-1905
Edlin, Edward, 1814-1850
Ehrlich, Paul, 1854-1915
Eisen, Johann Christoph, 1642-1695
Elliotson, John, 1791-1868
Engelmann, Th. W. (Th. Wilhelm), 1843-1909
Ent, George, Sir, 1604-1689
Erb, Wilhelm Heinrich, 1840-1921
Escherich, Theodor, 1857-1911
Esmarch, Friedrich von, 1823-1908
Evans, John Howell, 1870-1962
Evelyn, John, 1620-1706
Everard, Giles
Eversbusch, Oskar, 1853-1912
Eymer, Heinrich, 1883-1965
Eyre, James, Sir, 1792-1857
Fabricius Hildanus, Wilhelm, 1560-1634
Falconet, Camille, 1671-1762
Falloppio, Gabriele, 1523-1562
Farabeuf, L.-H. (Louis-Hubert), 1841-1910
Faraday, Michael, 1791-1867
Farmer, Richard, 1735-1797
Farre, J. R. (John Richard), 1775-1862
Faust, Edwin Stanton, 1870-1928
Fava, Agostino, b. 1567
Fehling, Hermann Johannes Carl, 1847-1925
Fernel, Jean, 1497-1558
Ferriar, John, 1761-1815
Field, Henry, 1755-1837
Figuier, Louis, 1819-1894
Fish, John, d. 1813
Fitch, William Edward, b. 1867
Fitzpatrick, Jeremiah, Sir, ca. 1740-1810
Fleiner, Wilhelm, 1857-1926
Fleming, Alexander, 1881-1955
Flemming, Walther, 1843-1905
Fletcher, John, 1792-1836
Fletcher, Walter Morley, 1873-1933
Flexner, Simon, 1863-1946
Flint, Austin, 1812-1886
Forbes, John, Sir, 1787-1861
Forchheimer, Frederick, 1853-1913
Fordyce, George, 1736-1802
Foster, M. (Michael), Sir, 1836-1907
Fothergill, John, 1712-1780
Fournier, Jean-Alfred, 1832-1914
Fox, Wilson, 1831-1887
Fracastoro, Girolamo, 1478-1553
Francis, William Willoughby, b. 1878 -- Portraits
Frankl, Ludwig August, 1810-1894
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790
Freher, Marquard, 1460-1535
Freind, John, 1675-1728
Fresnel, Augustin Jean, 1788-1827
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939
Friderici, Johann Arnold, 1637-1672
Frigimelica Roberti, Girolamo, 1611-1683
Frommel, Richard, 1854-1912
Frowde, Philip, d. 1738
Fränkel, Bernhard, 1836-1911
Fuchs, Gilbert, 1504-1567
Fuller, Thomas, 1654-1734
Füger, Heinrich Friedrich, 1751-1818
Förster, Josef, ca. 1845-1911
Gairal, Jules, 1847-1917
Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642
Gall, F. J. (Franz Joseph), 1758-1828
Galton, Francis, Sir, 1822-1911
Galvani, Luigi, 1737-1798
Ganser, Sigbert Joseph Maria, 1853-1931
Garnett, Thomas, 1766-1802
Garrè, Carl, 1857-1928
Garth, Samuel, Sir 1661-1719
Garth, Samuel, Sir, 1661-1719
Gasser, Achilles Pirmin, 1505-1577
Gaucher, Philippe Charles Ernest
Gautier, Armand, b. 1837
Gaviller, Edwin, 1840-1914
Geist, Lorenz Melchior, 1807-1867
Genelli, Buonaventura, 1798-1868
Gentili, Gentile, d. 1348
Geoffroy, Etienne-François, 1672-1731
Gesner, Johann Albrecht, 1694-1760
Gessner, Conrad, 1516-1565
Gessner, Johannes, 1709-1790
Gibb, G. Duncan (George Duncan), Sir, 1821-1876
Gilbert, A. (Augustin), 1858-1927
Gill, Thomas, d. 1714
Glass, Thomas, 1709-1786
Glen, Dr., d. 1786
Glynn, Robert, 1719-1800
Gmelin, Leopold, 1788-1853
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832
Goetze, Otto, 1886-1955
Goldmayer, Andreas, 1603-1665
Goldscheider, Alfred, 1858-1935
Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?-1774
Golgi, Camillo, 1843-1926
Gooch, Robert, 1784-1830
Goodwin, A.
Gordon, John, 1786-1818
Gorter, Johannes de, 1689-1762
Gossmann, Josef Rudolf, 1845-1907
Graaf, Reinier de, 1641-1673
Graefe, Albrecht von, 1828-1870
Graefe, Carl Ferdinand von, 1787-1840
Graham, James, 1745-1794
Graham, Robert, 1786-1845
Graham, Thomas, 1805-1869
Grainger, R. D. (Richard Dugard), 1801-1865
Grancher, Joseph, 1843-1907
Grant, James Alexander, Sir, 1831-1920
Grant, Robert E. (Robert Edmond), 1793-1874
Grashey, Rudolf, 1876-1950
Grasset, J. (Joseph), 1849-1918
Gratarolo, Guglielmo, 1516?-1568?
Gravesande, Cornelius van 's-, 1631-1683
Gray, John, fl. 1731
Greatrakes, Valentine, 1629-1683
Gregory, James, 1753-1821
Gregory, John, 1724-1773
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712
Grindall, Richard, ca. 1717-1797
Gross, Charles Frédéric, 1844-1927
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David), 1805-1884
Guenther, Johann, von Andernach, 1505-1574
Gullstrand, Allvar, 1862-1930
Guthrie, G. J. (George James), 1785-1856
Guy, William A. (William Augustus), 1810-1885
Guyon, Jean Casimir Félix, 1831-1920
Hadley, John, 1731-1764
Haeberlin, Franz Dominic, 1720-1787
Hahnemann, Samuel, 1755-1843
Haighton, John, 1755-1823
Halford, Henry, Sir, bart., 1766-1844
Hall, Marshall, 1790-1857
Haller, Albrecht von, 1708-1777
Halley, Edmond, 1656-1742
Hamberger, Georg Erhard, 1697-1755
Hamilton, Dr.
Hamilton, James, 1749-1835
Hanov, M. C. (Michael Christoph), 1695-1773
Hansen, G. Armauer (Gerhard Armauer), 1841-1912
Hansen, Theophil, 1813-1891
Harington, Henry, 1727-1816
Harris, George, 1809-1890
Harrison, Benjamin, 1771-1856
Hart, Ernest Abraham, 1835-1898
Hartmann, Arthur, 1849-1931
Hartmann, Henri (Henri Albert Charles Antoine), 1860-1952
Harvey, Gideon, 1640?-1700?
Harvey, William, 1578-1657
Hassall, Arthur Hill, 1817-1894
Hastings, Charles, Sir, 1794-1866
Hauser, Gustav, 1856-1935
Haushalter, Paul, 1860-1925
Haweis, Thomas, 1734-1820
Hawes, William, 1736-1808
Hawker, Robert, 1753-1827
Hawkesworth, John, 1715?-1773
Hawkins, Caesar Henry, 1798-1884
Hayden, Horace H., 1769-1844
Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809
Hayem, G. (Georges), 1841-1935
Haygarth, John, 1740-1827
Heath, Christopher, 1835-1905
Heaviside, John, ca. 1748-1828
Heberden, William, 1710-1801
Hebert, Paul Zotique, 1849-1941
Heidenhain, Lothar, 1860-1940
Heine, Bernhard, 1864-1928
Heister, Lorenz, 1683-1758
Heller, Arnold Ludwig Gotthilf, 1840-1913
Hellpach, Willy Hugo, 1877-1955
Henle, Jacob, 1809-1885
Henoch, Eduard Heinrich, 1820-1910
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 1744-1803
Herrgott, François Joseph, 1814-1907
Herrgott, Louis Alphonse, 1849-1927
Hertle, Josef, 1871-1931
Hertwig, Richard, 1850-1937
Hess, Heinrich, 1798-1863
Hess, Johann Jakob, 1741-1828
Hess, W. R. (Walter Rudolf), 1881-1973
Hetherington, Harry
Heubner, Otto, 1843-1926
Heubner, Wolfgang, b. 1877
Heurne, Johan van, 1543-1601
Heurne, Otto van, 1577-1652
Hewson, William, 1739-1774
Hey, William, 1736-1819
Heyden, Jan van der, 1637-1712
Highmore, Nathaniel, b. 1761
Hildebrand, Otto, 1858-1927
Hill, Dr.
Hill, John, 1714?-1775
Hill, Reginald Harrison
Hilton, John, 1804-1878
Himly, Karl, 1772-1837
Hingston, William H. (William Hales), 1829-1907
Hippel, Arthur von, 1841-1916
Hirzel, Hans Caspar, 1725-1803
Hodgson, Joseph, 1788-1869
Hoesslin, Rudolf von, b. 1858
Hoffa, Albert, 1859-1907
Hoffmann, Erich, 1868-
Hoffmann, Friedrich, 1660-1742
Hofmann, Eduard, Ritter von, 1837-1897
Holme, Edward, 1770-1847
Holmes, Bayard, 1852-1924
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894
Holmes, William, 1779-1851
Holtei, Karl von, 1798-1880
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832
Home, Francis, 1719-1813
Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865
Hope, James, 1801-1841
Hopkinson, William, 1784-1865
Horlacher, Michael,1628-1691
Horsley, Victor, Sir, 1857-1916
Hosack, David, 1769-1835
Hotze, Johannes, 1734-1801
Houzelot, Pascal
Howard, C. P. (Campbell Palmer), 1877-1936 -- Portraits
Howard, R. P. (Robert Palmer), 1823-1889 -- Portraits
Howard, Robert, ca. 1851-1888
Huchard, H. (Henri), 1844-1911
Huddart, Joseph, 1741-1816
Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm, 1762-1836
Hughes, John, 1677-1720
Hull, John, 1761?-1843
Hulme, Dauntsey, 1743?-1828
Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859
Hume, Joseph, 1777-1855
Hundertmark, Carl Friedrich, 1715-1762
Hunter, A. (Alexander), 1729-1809
Hunter, John Dunn, 1798?-1827
Hunter, John, 1728-1793
Hunter, John, d. 1809
Hunter, William, 1718-1783
Hutchinson, Jonathan, Sir, 1828-1913
Hutinel, Victor Henri, 1849-1933
Hutton, James, 1726-1797
Hutton, Joseph
Huxham, John, 1692-1768
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895
Huygens, Christiaan, 1551-1624
Ibrahim, Jussuf Murad, 1877-1953
Ireland, John, 1745?-1839?
Irons, Ernest E. (Ernest Edward), b. 1877
Iselin, Isaak, 1728-1782
Jackson, Seguin Henry, 1752-1816
Jaeschke, Gottlob Nathanael, 1712-1774
James, R. (Robert), 1703?-1776
Janeway, Theodore C. (Theodore Caldwell), 1872-1917
Jarvis, Daniel, ca. 1767-1833
Jäger, Friedrich, Ritter von Jaxtthal, 1784-1871
Jeanne, Dr.
Jeannel, François Louis Maurice, 1850-1918
Jebb, John, 1736-1786
Jenner, Edward, 1749-1823
Jenner, William, Sir, 1815-1898
Jephson, Henry, 1798-1878
Jessenius, Johannes, 1566-1621
Joffroy, Alix, 1844-1908
Johnson, Alexander Bryan, b. 1860
Johnson, Henry Charles
Johnson, James, 1777-1845
Johnson, William Arthur, 1816-1880
Johnston, Thomas George, 1849-1905
Johnstoun, Arthur, 1587-1641
Johrenius, Conrad, 1653-1716
Jones, C. Handfield (Charles Handfield), 1819-1890
Jones, W. (William), 1811-1863
Jones, William, Sir, 1746-1794
Jonstonus, Joannes, 1603-1675
Junius, Hadrian, 1511-1575
Junius, Hadrianus, 1511-1575
Jüngken, Johann Christian, 1793-1875
Jürgensen, Theodor Hermann von, 1840-1907
Kalz, Ferdinand
Karsdorp, Gerrit, 1729-1811
Kausch, Johann Joseph, 1751-1825
Keate, Robert, 1777-1857
Keats, John, 1795-1821
Kehrer, Ferdinand Adolph, 1837-1914
Keiller, Alexander, 1811-1892
Kekulé, August, 1829-1896
Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron, 1824-1907
Kemp, Johannes Theodorus van der, 1747-1811
Kerr, William, 1738-1824
Kerschensteiner, Josef
Key, C. Aston (Charles Aston), 1793-1849
Keynes, Geoffrey, 1887-1982
Kéraudren, Pierre François, 1769-1858
Kilian, Bartholomäus, 1630-1696
King, Edmund, Sir, 1629-1709
Kirmisson, Edouard François, 1848-1927
Kitazato, Shibasaburo, 1853-1931
Kitchiner, William, 1775?-1827
Klainmulher, Johan
Klaproth, M. H. (Martin Heinrich), 1743-1817
Klebs, Arnold C. (Arnold Carl), 1870-1943
Klebs, Edwin, 1834-1913
Knighton, William, Sir, 1776-1836
Koch, Robert, 1843-1910
Kocher, Theodor, 1841-1917
Kopp, Karl, 1855-1912
Kossel, A. (Albrecht), 1853-1927
König, Franz, 1832-1910
Körner, Otto, 1858-1935
Kraepelin, Emil, 1856-1926
Krafft, Peter, 1780-1856
Kraus, Friedrich, 1858-1936
Kretschmer, Ernst, 1888-1964
Krieger, Joseph, 1834-1905
Kronland, Johann Marcus Marci von, 1595-1667
Krönlein, Rudolf Ulrich, 1847-1910
Kunkel, Adam Joseph, 1848-1905
Kupffer, Carl von, 1829-1902
Kussmaul, Adolf, 1822-1902
Küster, Ernst Georg Ferdinand, 1839-1930
LaValette St. George, Adolph Freiherr von, 1831-1910
Labre, Benoît-Joseph, Saint, 1748-1783
Lachapelle, Marie Louise, 1769-1821
Laennec, R. T. H. (René Théophile Hyacinthe), 1781-1826
Lafferty, James, 1859-1933
Lamb, Daniel Smith, 1843-1929
Lambe, John, d. 1628
Lancereaux, E. (Etienne), 1829-1910
Landouzy, L., professeur (Louis Théophile Joseph), 1845-1917
Landsteiner, Karl, 1868-1943
Lane, Samuel Armstrong, 1802-1892
Lanfranco, of Milan, 13th cent.
Lange, Christian Johann, 1655-1701
Lange, Johannes, 1485-1565
Lanier, Nicholas, 1588-1666
Lannelongue, Odilon, 1840-1911
Lanzoni, Giuseppe, 1663-1730
Lapole, Jean Lompagieu
Laqueur, Ludwig, 1839-1909
Lassar, Oskar, 1849-1907
Lassus, Pierre, 1741-1807
Lasègue, Ernest Charles, 1816-1883
Latham, John, 1761-1843
Laub, Georg, 1554-1597
Launois, Pierre Emile, 1856-1914
Launoy, Jean de, 1603-1678
Lavater, Johann Caspar, 1741-1801
Laveran, Alphonse, 1849-1922
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794
Lawrence, J.J.
Lawrence, William, Sir, 1783-1867
Le Boë, Frans de, 1614-1672
Le Cat, Claude-Nicolas, 1700-1768
Le Dantec, A., b. 1857
Le Dentu, Jean-François-Auguste, 1841-1926
Leber, Theodor, 1840-1917
Ledsam, Joseph Frederick, 1791-1802
Leduc, Stéphane Armand Nicolas, 1853-1939
Lee, Arthur Bolles, 1849-1927
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van, 1632-1723
Lefferts, George Morewood, 1846-1920
Lefour, Dr.
Lehmann, K. B. (Karl Bernhard), 1858-1940
Leigh, Charles, 1662-1701?
Lenhartz, Hermann, 1854-1910
Lent, Eduard, 1831-1911
Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815
Letulle, Maurice Joseph Lucien, 1853-1929
Leube, Wilhelm von, 1842-1922
Lewis, D. Sclater (David Sclater), b. 1886
Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872
Lieberkühn, Nathanael, 1822-1887
Liebermeister, Carl von, 1833-1901
Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von, 1803-1873
Liebreich, Mathias Eugen Oskar, 1839-1908
Lilburn, George
Linacre, Thomas, 1460-1524
Link, Heinrich Friedrich, 1767-1851
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778
Lipmann, Fritz (Fritz Albert), 1899-1986
Lisfranc, M. (Jacques), 1790-1847
Lister, Joseph, Baron, 1827-1912
Lister, Matthew, Sir, 1571?-1656
Liston, Robert, 1794-1847
Lloyd, Jordan, 1854-1913
Locke, Charles F.A., 1850-1880
Locke, John, 1632-1704
Lockwood, Samuel, 1819-1894
Lolme, Jean Louis de, 1740-1806
Lombroso, Cesare, 1835-1909
Longmore, T. (Thomas), Sir, 1816-1895
Lonicer, Adam, 1528-1586
Loomis, Alfred L. (Alfred Lebbeus), 1831-1895
Loring, Edward G. (Edward Greely), 1802-1890
Lortet, L. (Louis), 1836-1909
Lotichius, Petrus, 1528-1560
Lotzbeck, Carl, Ritter v., 1832-1907
Lowe, Peter, ca. 1550-ca. 1612
Löffler, Friedrich, 1852-1915
Lubbock, Edward, 1805-1848
Lucas, Charles, 1713-1771
Lucas, Charles, Sir, 1613-1648
Lucas, Matthias Prime, ca. 1762-1848
Lucas-Championnière, Just, 1848-1913
Ludwig, Carl, 1816-1895
Ludwig, Christian Gottlieb, 1709-1773
Luja, Gottfried Adolph, 1631-1714
Lyall, Robert, 1790-1831
Lyons, Thomas [?]
Lépine, Raphaël, 1840-1919
Löbker, Karl, 1854-1912
Löhlein, Walther, 1882-1954
MacDonnell, E.J.
MacDonnell, Margaret
MacDonnell, Richard Lea, d. 1891
MacFadzean, Alexander, ca. 1788-1849
MacNeven, William James, 1763-1841
Macbride, David, 1726-1778
Mackall, Leonard L. (Leonard Leopold), 1879-1937
Mackenzie, Stephen, Sir, 1844-1909
Mackintosh, James, Sir, 1765-1832
Mackintosh, John, d. 1837
Maclagan, David
Maclean, Lachlan, Sir, d. 1843
Macmurdo, Gilbert Wakefield, 1799-1869
Macnab, F.
Madelung, Otto Wilhelm, 1846-1926
Madsen, Thorvald Johannes Marius, 1870-1957
Malloch, Archibald, 1887-
Mallory, Albert Elhanon, 1848-1904
Malpighi, Marcello, 1628-1694
Manget, Jean-Jacques, 1652-1742
Manson, Patrick, Sir, 1844-1922
Mantell, Gideon Algernon, 1790-1852
Manz, Wilhelm, 1833-1911
Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976
Marcet, Alexander, 1770-1822
Mareschal, Georges, 1658-1736
Marie, Pierre, 1853-1940
Marsh, Henry, Sir, 1790-1860
Martin, Cecil P. (Cecil Percy), 1892-1977
Martin, Thomas
Martius, Heinrich, 1885-1965
Martyn, Thomas, 1735-1825
Mathieson, Dr.
Mathieu, Albert, b. 1855
Matthews, John, 1755-1826
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500-1577
Maty, Matthew, 1718-1776
Mauchart, Burchard David, 1696-1751
Mauriceau, François, 1637-1709
Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de, Sir, 1573-1655
Mayo, Herbert, 1796-1852
Mayow, John, 1641-1679
McCrae, John, 1872-1918 -- Portraits
McCulloch, Michael, 1795-1854
McDowell, Ephraim, 1771-1830
McGill, James, 1744-1813
McGrigor, James, Sir, 1771-1858
McGuire, Hunter, 1835-1900
McKenzie, R. Tait (Robert Tait), 1867-1938
McLaren, John Robert [?]
McNaughton, John
McNaughton, John, Mrs.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754
Meibom, Heinrich, 1638-1700
Meissner, Georg, 1829-1905
Mendel, Emanuel, 1838-1907
Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich, 1834-1907
Mercuriale, Girolamo, 1530-1606
Meredith, Edmund Allen, 1817-1898
Mering, J. von (Josef), 1849-1908
Metchnikoff, Elie, 1845-1916
Meyer, Adolf, 1866-1950
Meyer, Erich, 1874-1927
Meyer, F. J. L. (Friedrich Johann Lorenz), 1760-1844
Meyer, François Antoine, b. 1734
Meyer, Ludwig, 1827-1900
Michel, Julius von, 1843-1911
Mikulicz-Radecki, Johann von, 1850-1905
Miller, James, 1812-1864
Miller, Robert
Millington, Thomas, Sir, 1628-1704
Milner, Isaac, 1750-1820
Minkowski, Oskar, 1858-1931
Mitchell, Maria, 1818-1889
Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829-1914
Mitchill, Samuel L. (Samuel Latham), 1764-1831
Mithob, Burckhard, 1501-1564
Mitscherlich, Eilhard, 1794-1863
Moir, D. M. (David Macbeth), 1798-1851
Monprofit, Jacques Ambroise, 1857-1922
Monro, Alexander, 1697-1767
Monro, Alexander, 1733-1817
Monsey, Messenger, 1693-1788
Montagnana, Dr.
Montecalvus, Jacobus
Moore, John, 1729-1802
Morehead, Charles, 1807-1882
Morgagni, Giambattista, 1682-1771
Morin, Jean Baptiste, 1583-1656
Morison, Alexander, 1779-1866
Morison, James, 1770-1840
Morison, Robert, 1620-1683
Morison, Thomas, d. 1824
Morpurgo, Benedetto, 1861-1944
Morris, Malcolm, Sir, 1849-1924
Morton, Richard, 1637-1698
Morton, W. T. G. (William Thomas Green), 1819-1868
Morus, Samuel Friedrich Nathanael, 1736-1792
Moseley, Benjamin, 1742-1819
Mosso, A. (Angelo), 1846-1910
Moyes, Henry, 1749-1807
Möbius, P. J. (Paul Julius), 1853-1907
Mudge, John, 1721-1793
Muir, William Scott, 1853-1902
Murray, T. A. (Thomas Archibald), d. 1802
Musschenbroek, Petrus van, 1692-1761
Müller, Friedrich von, 1858-1941
Müller, Johannes, 1801-1858
Ménétrier, Pierre Eugène, 1859-1935
Müller, Wilhelm
Müller, Wilhelm, 1855-1937
Nabias, B. de (Barthélemy de)
Naevius, Johannes, 1499-1574
Nahm, Nikolaus
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
Nasmyth, James, 1808-1890
Naudé, Gabriel, 1600-1653
Naumann, Johann Gottlieb, 1741-1801
Naunyn, Bernhard, 1839-1925
Neale, Richard, M.D.
Neander, Johann, ca. 1596-ca. 1630
Nebel, Daniel, 1664-1733
Neossler, Georg, 1591-1650
Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727
Neyen, Joannes
Nicholson, John
Nicol, William, 1770-1851
Nicolai, Philipp, 1556-1608
Nicolas, Dr.
Nicolas, Marie Adolphe, 1861-1939
Nightingale, Florence, 1820-1910
Nissl, Franz, 1860-1919
Nocht, Bernhard Albrecht Eduard, 1857-1945
Noeggerath, Emil, 1827-1895
Noguchi, Hideyo, 1876-1928
Noir, Julien, b. 1866
Noisette, Louis, 1772-1849
Nonnenbruch, Wilhelm, 1887-1928
Noorden, Carl von, 1858-1944
Norman, George, 1782-1861
Nostradamus, 1503-1566
Nothnagel, Hermann, 1841-1905
Nutzell, Hanns, d. 1620
Nuyens, Bernard Willem Theodoor, 1866-1945
Nymann, Gregor, 1594-1638
O'Dwyer, Joseph, 1846-1898
Occo, Adolf, 1494-1572
Occo, Adolf, 1524-1606
Ohm, Georg Simon, 1789-1854
Oldham, Henry, 1815-1902
Ollier, Louis Xavier Edouard Léopold, ca. 1830-1900
Opitz, Erich, 1871-1926
Oppolzer, Johann, 1808-1871
Osborn, William, 1736-1808
Osborne, Oliver T. (Oliver Thomas), 1862-1940
Ostwald, Wilhelm, 1853-1932
Owen, Richard, 1804-1892
Paaw, Pieter, 1564-1617
Pace, Fabio, 1547-1614
Pagel, J. (Julius), 1851-1912
Paget, James, Sir, 1814-1899
Pajot, Charles, 1816-1896
Palletta, Giovanni Battista, 1747 or 8-1832
Paracelsus, 1493-1541
Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590
Paris, John Ayrton, 1785-1856
Parisot, Jacques, 1882-1967
Parkes, Samuel, 1759-1825
Parkinson, John, 1567-1650
Parr, Dr.
Partington, Miles, b. 1751
Pascal, Jean, 1662-1744
Pasteur, Louis, 1822-1895
Patch, John, 1723-1787
Patin, Charles, 1633-1693
Patin, Guy, 1601-1672
Patton, J.W.L.
Paul, Theodor, 1862-1928
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 1849-1936
Pavlov, Peter Dmitrievich
Pavlov, Seraphina (née Karchevskaya)
Pavy, F. W. (Frederick William), 1829-1911
Peacock, Thomas B. (Thomas Bevill), 1812-1882
Pearson, Alexander, 1780-1874
Pearson, Edward, 1756-1811
Pearson, George, 1751-1828
Pearson, Richard, 1765-1836
Pellet, Thomas, 1671?-1744
Pennington, Robert Rainey, 1766-1849
Penzoldt, Franz, 1849-1927
Pepper, William, 1843-1898
Pepys, Lucas, Sir, 1742-1830
Perthes, Georg, 1869-1927
Petit, Jean-Louis, 1674-1750
Petit, Louis Hayes, 1774-1849
Petit-Radel, M. (Philippe), 1749-1815
Pettenkofer, Max von, 1818-1901
Pettigrew, William Vesalius, ca. 1816-1874
Peu, Philippe
Peyronie, François Gigot de la, 1678-1747
Pfannenstiel, J. (Johannes), 1862-1909
Pfeiffer, Richard, 1858-1945
Pfeufer, Karl von, 1806-1869
Pflaumer, Eduard, 1872-1957
Pflüger, E. F. W. (Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm), 1829-1910
Philip, Alexander Philip Wilson, 1770-1847
Philip, Robert William, Sir, 1857-1939
Pick, Philipp Josef, 1834-1910
Pictet, Marc-Auguste, 1752-1825
Pierce, Evan, 1808-1895
Pinard, A. (Adolphe), 1844-1934
Pinel, Philippe, 1745-1826
Pirogov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 1810-1881
Pitard, Jean, 1228-1315
Pitcairn, Archibald, 1652-1713
Pitcairn, David, 1749-1809
Pitcairn, William, 1711-1791
Pitres, A. (Albert), 1848-1891
Pitt, George Newton, 1853-1929
Plantin, Christophe, ca. 1520-1589
Platter, Felix, 1536-1614
Playfair, Lyon Playfair, Baron, 1818-1898
Plemp, Vopiscus Fortunatus, 1601-1671
Poirier, Paul Julien, 1853-1907
Poncet, Antonin, 1849-1913
Poole, R. (Robert), 1708-1752
Poole, Wordsworth, 1868-1902
Pordage, John, 1607-1681
Posthius, Johannes, 1537-1597
Potain, Pierre Carl Edouard, 1825-1901
Pott, Percivall, 1714-1788
Pouchet, Gabriel, 1851-1938
Powell, R. Douglas (Richard Douglas), Sir, 1842-1925
Powell, Richard, 1767-1834
Pozzi, Samuel, 1846-1918
Prestwich, Joseph, 1812-1896
Prevost, Jean, 1585-1631
Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804
Pringle, John, Sir, 1707-1782
Prout, William, 1785-1850
Prowting, William, 1708-1794
Prude, Henry, fl. 1744-50
Pulteney, Richard, 1730-1801
Purkyne, Jan Evangelista, 1787-1869
Péan, Jules Emile, 1830-1898
Quain, Richard, 1800-1887
Quain, Richard, Sir, 1816-1898
Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.). Faculty of Medicine -- Alumni and alumnae
Quekett, John, 1815-1861
Quénu, E. (Edouard), 1852-1933
Rabelais, François, ca. 1490-1553?
Racine, Jean, 1639-1699
Radcliffe, John, 1650-1714
Rae, John, 1813-1893
Rainy, Harry, 1792-1876
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 1852-1934
Ramsay, John
Ramsden, J. (Jesse), 1735-1800
Raymond, Fulgence, 1844-1910
Raynal, abbé (Guillaume-Thomas-François), 1713-1796
Read, William, Sir, d. 1715
Reclus, Jean Jacques Paul, 1847-1914
Redi, Francesco, 1626-1698
Redwitz, Erich Freiherr von, 1883-1964
Reece, Richard, 1775-1831
Rees, Abraham, 1743-1825
Regnault, Jean-Baptiste Étienne Benoît Olive, 1759-1836
Reid, John A.
Reinesius, Thomas, 1587-1667
Reprev, A. V. (Aleksandr Vasil’evich), b. 1853
Revett, Nicholas, 1720-1804
Reynolds, H. R. (Henry Revell), ca. 1775-1854
Ribemont-Dessaignes, Alban Alphonse Ambroise, 1847-1940
Richardson, Robert, ca. 1772-1853
Richet, Charles, 1850-1935
Richter, Georg Gottlob, 1694-1773
Ricord, Ph., 1800-1889
Rieder, Hermann, 1858-1932
Riegel, Franz, b. 1843
Rinaldini, Carlo, Count, 1615-1698
Ringseis, Johann Nepomuk von, 1785-1880
Rivière, Lazare, 1589-1655
Robertson, Archibald, 1789-1864
Robertson, Douglas Argyll, 1837-1909
Robertson, James, d. 1790
Robertson, Robert, 1742-1829
Robertson, William, 1784-1844
Robin, Albert, 1847-1928
Roddick, T. G. (Thomas George), 1846-1923
Rodríguez Fornos, Fernando, ca. 1884-1951
Rokitansky, Carl von, 1804-1878
Roque, Germain
Rosencrantz, Esther, 1876-1950
Rosenthal, I. (Isidor), 1836-1915
Ross, George, 1845-1892 -- Portraits
Ross, Ronald, Sir, 1857-1932
Ross, William G.
Rossbach, M. J. (Michael Joseph), 1841-1894
Rosthorn, Alfons von, 1857-1909
Roth, Friedrich Franz, 1835-1898
Rottmann, Carl, 1797-1850
Roux, Monsieur (Emile), 1853-1933
Roux, Phil. Jos., 1780-1854
Roux, Wilhelm, 1850-1924
Rover, D.
Rowland, William
Roxburgh, William, 1751-1815
Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 1845-1923
Ruland, Joannes David, 1585-1648
Runge, Max, 1849-1909
Russell, Alexander, 1715?-1768
Russell, Patrick, 1727-1805
Rutherford, Daniel, 1749-1819
Rutherford, David Bell, b. 1856
Ruttan, Robert Fulford, 1856-1930
Ruysch, Frederik, 1638-1731
Rückert, Johannes, 1854-1923
Sainte-Claire Deville, Henri, 1818-1881
Sajous, Charles E. de M. (Charles Eucharist de Medicis), 1852-1929
Salmon, William, 1644-1713
Sauerbruch, Ferdinand, 1875-1951
Saunders, William, 1743-1817
Savory, W. S. (William Scovell)
Saxonia, Hercules, 1551-1607
Sayers, F. (Frank), 1763-1817
Scarburgh, Charles, Sir, 1616-1694
Scarpa, Antonio, 1752-1832
Schaudinn, Friedrich Richard, 1871-1906
Schech, Philipp, 1845-1905
Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob, 1672-1733
Schick, Béla, 1877-1967
Schittenhelm, Alfred, 1874-1954
Schlossmann, A. (Arthur), 1867-1932
Schmid, Adolf, 1846-1908
Schmidt, Benno, 1826-1896
Schmidt, Johann Adam, 1759-1809
Schmidt, Moritz, 1838-1907
Schmiedeberg, Oswald, 1838-1921
Schomberg, Isaac, 1714-1780
Schönlein, Johann Lukas, 1793-1864
Schröck, Lucas von, 1646-1730
Schug, Johann Caspar, 1766-1818
Schultz, J. H. (Johannes Heinrich), 1884-1970
Schultze, Bernhard Sigmund, 1827-1919
Schultze, Friedrich, 1848-1934
Schulze, Johann Heinrich, 1687-1744
Schüle, Heinrich, 1840-1916
Schwann, Theodor, 1810-1882
Schwartze, Hermann
Schweitzer, Albert, 1875-1965
Schönborn, Karl Wilhelm Ernst Joachim, 1840-1906
Schüppach, Michael, 1707-1781
Scott, James, 1770-1848
Seeligmüller, Adolf, 1837-1912
Seggel, Karl, 1837-1909
Segond, Paul Ferdinand, 1851-1912
Senckenberg, Johann Christian, 1707-1772
Senn, Nicholas, 1844-1908
Sennert, Daniel, 1572-1637
Sermon, William, 1629?-1679
Servetus, Michael, 1511?-1553
Seubert, Johannes Jacob
Severino, Marco Aurelio, 1580-1656
Seward, William, 1747-1799
Seymour, Edward James, 1796-1866
Shanks, Albert Livingston, 1865-1931
Shanly, Walter, 1817-1899
Sharp, William, 1729-1810
Shattuck, Frederick Cheever, 1847-1929
Shaw, George, 1751-1813
Shebbeare, John, 1709-1788
Sheldon, John, 1752-1808
Shepherd, Francis J. (Francis John), 1851-1929 -- Portraits
Sibly, E. (Ebenezer), 1751-1800
Sibour, Marie-Dominique-Auguste, 1792-1857
Siebenmann, Friedrich, 1852-1928
Siegmund, Herbert, 1892-1954
Sigerist, Emmy
Sigerist, Henry E. (Henry Ernest), 1891-1957
Silva, Jean-Baptiste, 1682-1742
Sims, J. Marion (James Marion), 1813-1883
Sims, John, 1792-1838
Sinclair, William Japp, Sir, 1846-1912
Sloane, Hans, Sir, 1660-1753
Small, Alexander, d. 1752
Smet, Henrich, 1537-1614
Smids, Ludolph, 1649-1720
Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828
Smith, Theobald, 1859-1934
Smollett, T. (Tobias), 1721-1771
Snellen, H. (Herman), 1834-1908
Snow, John, 1813-1858
Socin, August, 1837-1899
Solomon, Samuel, d. ca. 1818
Soltmann, Hermann Julius Otto, 1844-1912
Sonderegger, Jakob Laurenz, 1825-1896
Soxhlet, Franz von, 1848-1926
Spemann, Hans, 1869-1941
Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar), 1776-1832
St. André, Nathanael, 1680-1776
St. Clare, William, b. 1735
Stahl, Georg Ernst, 1660-1734
Stalpart van der Wiel, Cornelis, 1620-1702
Stark, Johann Christian, 1753-1811
Starr, Frederic Newton Gisborne, 1867-1934
Staudigl, Joseph, 1807-1861
Staudinger, Hermann, 1881-1965
Stebbing, George, 1749-1825
Stepp, W. (Wilhelm), 1882-1964
Stevenson, John, 1761-1833
Stevenson, Thomas, 1838-1908
Stewart, John, 1847-1933
Stewart, William Shaw, 1838-1903
Stilling, B. (Benedict), 1810-1879
Stokes, William, 1804-1878
Stoner, Alva Porter, ca. 1868-1936
Stöber, Franz Xaver, 1795-1858
Stöhr, Philipp, 1849-1911
Strasburger, Eduard, 1844-1912
Stricker, S. (Salomon), 1834-1898
Stuart, Dr.
Stukeley, William, 1687-1765
Sutherland, Alexander Robert, ca. 1781-1861
Sutter, Otto
Sutton, Henry Gawen, ca. 1836-1891
Swainson, Isaac, 1746-1812
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772
Swediaur, F. (Franz), 1748-1824
Swieten, Gerard, Freiherr van, 1700-1772
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689
Symonds, Charters, Sir, 1852-1932
Symonds, Thomas, fl. ca. 1720-1730
Syms, Parker, ca. 1861-1933
Tappeiner, Hermann, Edler von, 1847-1927
Tarasevich, Lev Aleksandrovich, 1868-1927
Tardieu, Ambroise, 1818-1879
Tarnier, S. (Stéphane), 1828-1897
Taylor, Andrew T. (Andrew Thomas), 1850-1937
Taylor, John, 1703-1772
Temple, Richard, 1759-1826
Templeman, Peter, 1711-1769
Terrier, Félix (Louis-Félix), 1837-1908
Testut, Léo, 1849-1925
Thackeray, Joseph, 1784-1832
Thannhauser, Siegfried, 1885-1962
Theorell, Hugo
Thoinot, Léon-Henri, 1858-1915
Thompson, G. Howard
Thompson, Henry, Sir, 1820-1904
Thompson, Ian Maclaren, 1896-1981
Thomson, Anthony Todd, 1778-1849
Thomson, David Landsborough
Thomson, John, 1765-1846
Thomson, Samuel, 1769-1843
Thomson, Thomas, 1773-1852
Thornton, R.N. [?]
Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837
Thorpe, Robert, 1787?-1851
Thévenin, François, d. 1656
Tillaux, Paul Jules, 1834-1904
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 1656-1708
Townsend, Joseph, 1739-1816
Travers, Benjamin, 1783-1858
Trendelenburg, Friedrich, 1844-1924
Treves, Frederick, Sir, 1853-1923
Trew, Christoph Jacob, 1695-1769
Triller, Daniel Wilhelm, 1695-1782
Trousseau, A. (Armand), 1801-1867
Tuffier, Théodore, 1857-1929
Tulp, Nicolaas, 1593-1674
Turban, Karl, 1856-1935
Turner, Daniel, 1667-1741
Turner, Samuel, ca. 1749-1823
Turner, Wm. (William), Sir, 1832-1916
Twemlow, John, b. 1796
Uhthoff, Wilhelm, 1853-1927
Unna, Paul Gerson, 1850-1929
Unverricht, Heinrich, 1853-1913
Ure, Andrew, 1778-1857
Valangin, Francis de, 1724 or 5-1805
Van Slyke, Donald D. (Donald Dexter), 1883-1971
Vance, George, 1770-1837
Velpeau, A. (Alfred), 1795-1867
Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660
Vergely, Lucien Paul Martin, 1839-1913
Verheyen, Philippe, 1648-1710
Vermond, Carolus-Tussanus, fl. 1751
Verzasca, Bernhard, 1628-1680
Vesalius, Andreas, 1514-1564
Vieussens, Raymond, 1641?-1715
Villemin, Jean Antoine, 1827-1892
Vincent, John Painter, 1776-1852
Vincent, William, 1739-1815
Volta, Alessandro, 1745-1827
Vorstius, Adolphus, 1597-1663
Vorstius, Aelius Everardus, 1565-1624
Vos, Bernard Herman, 1871-1945
Vulpian, A. (Alfred), 1826-1887
Wagner, A. Dixon, ca. 1849-1902
Wagner, Ernst, 1829-1888
Wagner-Jauregg, Julius, 1857-1940
Wahrendorff, Ferdinand, 1826-1898
Wainwright, J.W.
Wakley, Thomas, 1795-1862
Waldeyer-Hartz, Wilhelm von, 1836-1921
Walker, A. Holford, d. 1933
Wallich, N. (Nathaniel), 1786-1854
Ward, Joshua, 1685-1761
Warder, Joseph, fl. 1688-1718
Wardlaw, Ralph, 1779-1853
Wardrop, James, 1782-1869
Waring, Edward, 1734-1798
Warner, Joseph, 1717-1801
Warren, Pelham, 1778?-1835
Warren, Richard, 1731-1797
Wasdale, John, 1731-1807
Wassermann, August, 1866-1925
Watson, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1882
Watson, William, d. 1733
Webb, John, 1772-1852
Wedel, Georg Wolffgang, 1645-1721
Welch, William Henry, 1850-1934
Wells, Spencer, 1818-1897
Werlhof, Paul Gottlieb, 1699-1767
Wessely, Karl, 1874-1953
West, Joseph
Whitbread, Samuel, 1764-1815
White, Anthony, 1782-1849
White, William Foster, 1810-1878
Widal, Fernand (Fernand Georges Isidore), 1862-1929
Wieland, H. (Heinrich), b. 1877
Wildenow, Carl Ludwig, 1765-1812
Wilkes, Richard, 1691-1760
Wilks, Samuel, Sir, 1824-1911
Williams, Charles J. B. (Charles James Blasius), 1805-1889
Williams, Roger, 1604?-1683
Williamson, Hugh, 1735-1819
Willis, Francis, 1718-1807
Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675
Wilson, David
Wilson, Erasmus, Sir, 1809-1884
Wilson, H. H. (Horace Hayman), 1786-1860
Wilson, James, 1765-1821
Wilson, James, 1795-1882
Winckel, F. (Franz), 1837-1912
Winslow, Forbes, 1810-1874
Winslow, Jacques-Bénigne, 1669-1760
Wistar, Caspar, 1761-1818
Withering, William, 1741-1799
Witt, Johann, 1643-1704
Wittwer, Michael Gottfried, 1686-1725
Wolff, Christian, Freiherr von, 1679-1754
Wollaston, William Hyde, 1766-1828
Wolstein, Johann Gottlieb, 1738-1820
Wood, Richard, b. 1820
Woodville, William, 1752-1805
Woodward, John, 1665-1728
Woodyatt, George, ca. 1764-1824
Worm, Ole, 1588-1654
Wren, Christopher, Sir, 1632-1723
Wrench, Benjamin, Sir, 1665-1747
Wurtz, Charles Adolphe, 1817-1884
Wyman, Walter, 1848-1911
Yersin, Alexandre, 1863-1943
Young, Harrison [?]
Young, Thomas, 1773-1829
Young, William, 1749-1827
Younge, William, 1762-1838
Zacutus Lusitanus, 1575-1642
Zasius, Ulrich, 1461-1535
Zeltner, Gustav Georg, 1672-1738
Ziegler, Ernst, 1849-1905
Ziemssen, H. von (Hugo), 1829-1902
Zsámboki, János, 1531-1584
Zumbusch, Leo von, 1874-1940