Undated Photograph of the Rectory at Bond Head Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864) CUS_031-013_P
Undated Photograph of Trinity Anglican Church at Bond Head, Ontario Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864) CUS_031-014_P
Back of Photograph of the Rectory at Dundas, Ontario Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864) CUS_031-015A_PB
Back of a Photo of Stone Wall Villa, Dundas, Ontario Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864) CUS_031-015B_PB
Rectory at Dundas: photo taken by Dr. K. J. Williams in March 1965 Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864) CUS_031-015D_P
Trinity Anglican Church and Surrounding Countryside, Bond Head, Ontario, 1880 Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864) CUS_031-016_P
Back of Photo of Trinity Anglican Church and Surrounding Countryside, Bond Head, Ontario, 1880 Bond Head and Dundas Period (1849-1864) CUS_031-016_PB
Back of a photo of the Desjardins Canal, Dundas, Ontario Barrie, Weston, Toronto Period (1864-1870) CUS_032-038_PB