These websites contain additional digitised material by or about Sir William Osler, including his writings and photographs.
- Ask Osleriana A searchable database of Osler essays, such as the collection "Aequanimitas and Other Essays" and Harvey Cushing's biography "The Life of Sir William Osler" (1925). There are also abstracts of papers given at some of the annual meetings of the American Osler Society.
- Celebrating the Contributions of William Osler, 1849-1919, an online collection of photographs, full text reproductions of some works and letters, plus some biographical information created by the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.
- Osler's Web. The website of the John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center, in Houston, Texas, has digitised a number of Sir William's works, including the The Principles and Practice of Medicine (the first and 4th editions).
- University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Page created to celebrate the 100th. anniversary of the Medical Library Association, of which Sir William Osler was a founder.
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography - online
- Oxford dictionary of national biography McGill only