MacDonell, John. Some Account of the Red River, ca. 1797 [Contemporary copy]. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0035

No 8

trade amongst them; and they Steal them from their own Traders as well as from the Indians of the Missourie, of Fort des Prairies.

Most of the Red River Indians go to war during the absence of the canoes at the Grand Portage, upon the Rocky Mountain Snake Indians or any of the nations at a distance from their own country.

In these excursions they take 40 days, or two months, sometimes travelling night and day, especially on their return, if they have been successful, for fear of a pursuit, and they mostly return by different routes; leaving the wounded to shift for themselves.


L E G E N D :
 in red , modifications made by the editor(s).
 in lavender , modifications made by the assumed author(s).

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