MacDonell, John. Some Account of the Red River, ca. 1797 [Contemporary copy]. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0035

Hair and covering their heads with patches of earth. Their women cut their hair and Scarify their legs. Their Men as well as those of the Crees have no dancing, but the women of both nations dance by moving all at the same time from right to left and then back again, without giving themselves any other motion than Shifting their toes, and heels alternately and without breaking their order in the least; having all their faces the same way, and being drawn up in one or two lines according to their number or as the ground permits. The Assiniboines of the Red River are in general a very large, indolent, perfidious set; and I believe the worst hunters of any Indians in the North West who have traders amongst them;

Their whole hunt consists of Wolves, Foxes, Kitts, and Buffalo Robes. As for Beavers, otters, and other good furs they Seldom take any. They are likewise great thieves and will steal from a rusty Iron nail, to a Horse or any thing else they can. Stealing Horses is quite a necessary


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