McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

Saturday 8 Janry Contd (1800)

answer, with their usual carelessness is, C'est pas Ça – C'est que nous aimons le feu – Quoi[.] There are some of them however who are not very dangerous in a house – I mean those who seem as if they were haunted by some Evil Spirit which Keeps them busy all night between p___ing & f__ting – Smoaking their pipes & poking the fire with a Tisonner[.]

Monday 9th[.] This Evenning Mandeville & Parranteau arrived from the Little Island to cut wood[.] The former made a great deal of Noise about the Carrot that was marked to his Acct to punish him for his disobedience[.] He says that he would have come to the Fort to tell his reasons for not going to the Forks if he were not persuaded to return by Little Cadien who told us that he neither desired Mandeville to return or come[.] Mandeville brought 10 whitefish & 2 small trouts as a present[.]

Tuesday 10th[.] The above Men busy cutting wood[.] In the afternoon Chs Cadiens Comrade arrived & traded 2 fresh 13 ps Mt 3½ skins Orignal Meat 3½ Castorum & 2½ peltries[.] Gave him 1 awl, 1 flint &c. &c. Gave a Kettle of fresh Meat to the Men in return for their present of fish[.]

Wednesday 11th[.] The Indian went away[.] Mandeville & Parranteau delivered their wood[.]

Thursday 12th[.] Gautier arrived from Pointe de Roche[.] The Men there take from 17 to 18 Small Trouts daily per Man with the Ligne a Main[.] At the Big Island they take from 10 to 13 de la Truite allez qui a du lard[.] Gautier Engaged for 2 years as Middleman – he was hired already for two years[.] As he is a Man like Courtois who owes a great deal I thought it better to give him a Carrot of Tobacco for his phials than mark it to his Accompt as he engaged on no other account than to get one[.] He promised to Keep this breach of orders a secret[.] Gave them all another Kettle of Fresh Meat while I eat their fresh fish[.] I missed a Day of the week – in place of Sunday I wrote Monday 9th par consequence tomorrow must be again Thursday to bring the days of the week to their right order[.]

Thursday 13th[.] Early this Morning the Frenchman went off for the Little Island & Pointe de Roche[.] Lambert busy drawing wood to make himself a house[.]

Friday 14th[.] Nothing at all occur'd[.]

Saturday 15th[.] Bouché & his wife arrived from Cadien le Blanc with 60 small trouts & 40 white fish[.] This fish est pour passé le Mois de Mars & so much the better for the Hangard[.]

Sunday 16th[.] Bouché went away – fine day – the Snow melted of the houses very fast[.]

Monday 17th[.] Same with yesterday in regard to the weather[.] At Night two Montagners arrived from their Lands – they have a small train between them which I suppose they lugged along turn about[.] They are shabby looking fellows[.] The first thing they told us was, that all their Relations are dead which rids the world of a great deal of trash & a great many rascals[.] I Questioned


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