McKenzie, James. Journal, 1799-1800. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0016

this day employed but to no purpose to Dig a Grave among the Rocks behind the Fort[.] I told them before they began that the prettiest as well as the easiest place to Dig a Grave would be on the Pointe au Sable – but with that Spirit of Contradiction which is peculiar to all frenchmen they, every one of them, denied it at the same time ridiculing me for proposing to interr a François (who by being so is sacred) in a place where the Indians always encamp & might profane his Tomb by scraping skins on it &c &c &c &c &c &c &c &c.

Wednesday 18th[.] This Morning about 9 o’Clock P. Labri was buried on the Pointe au Sable[.] He lived a miser, left 2800lb & was interred with no greater expense than, 1 phial Rum, a coarse linen Shirt and his length of Felix’s old Ber tho’ I told them there was no Scarcity of Russia sheeting in the Shop[.] His body which was swelled and full of Blood stunk intollerably – yet that old Cannibal Dusablon after wrapping it in its Linning & pulling it into the Coffin without washing his hands which were yet bloody, Cut fish into small pieces & put in Kettle of which they all partook & seemed to relish it with the avidity of Eskimeaux[.]

Thursday 19th[.] The two La Bris went away & so did all the other Men[.] Dusablon stays here till New years day making a Tomb for his patient – for this piece of service he is rewarded by becoming the sole inheritor of his Cloaths vizt 2 old Capots, 2 Do Blankets, 1 old leather pair Trowsers, 1 Pr Russia Sheeting Do, 2 Shirts & an infinite number of Rags which Dusablon seems to value more than all the rest[.] Besides this Bountiful donnation of the LaBris to their Trusty old Scullion Dusablon, they have also made him the proprietor of 300 whitefish Since when the old Codger is so pleased & taken up with his own good luck that he hardly Knows which end of him stands uppermost[.] It would not be safe for any body to trust himself under Dusablon's Care for the future with hopes of such a reward for he would be more anxious to Rile than cure him[.] Neither would it be safe to be found dans le Jeûne with him for since he was not disgusted to eat without washing his hands after handling a putrefied Corps when he was not very hunger he certainly would not be disgusted to eat a person not putrid when a long time without eating[.] Cadien Blanc & Bouché arrived Bag & Baggage from their Hunting party without so much as Killing one Animal and after fasting 3 Days[.] [A]bout Dark a Montagner called Haché arrived from Lac des Brochets[.] He saw nobody in his Travels but his wife who is along with him[.] Received from Lambert F. Labri's Cord Wood[.]

Friday 20th[.] Hache paid his Credits 13 Skins & had 40 more on Credit as he means to go where there are Beaver in great numbers[.] He traded 1 skin Beaver, 3 Ditto Beaver Tails, 6 Ditto Grease, 4 Do dried Meat, 4 pounded Ditto[.] Traded from Dusablon 200 white fish at 10 sols each[.]

Saturday 21st[.] Lattinville went away after Delivering his 3 Cords of wood[.]

Sunday 22nd[.] Cadien & Bouché went to live with Hache who is to has promised to hunt for the Fort & got 3 Measures ammunition for that purpose[.]

Monday 23rd[.] Nothing[.]

Tuesday 24th[.] Nothing[.]


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