MacDonell, John. Description of Lake Athabasca and the Chipweans, ca. 1805 and Journal of a Voyage from Lachine to Fort River Qu'Appelle, 1793. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0005

opposition to Mr Ranald Cameron whom Mr Peter Grant settled at a new place two miles above the mouth of the River La Sourie, a small river from the S.W. that empties itself into the Assinibouan River[.]

Thursday 3rd Oct[.] After walking till 3 P.M. I mounted a high round hill from the summit of which I spyed three Buffaloes on a hill at some distance. Having got two men to accompany me we killed one the three, a thigh of which I carried to our campment to make Steaks.

Friday 4th[.] We killed five large Bulls[.] Saturday 5th[.] Overtook Mr Peter Grant and his canoes above the River au bois de flêche[.] The River continues so crooked all this time that in two hours we can travel as much as the canoes can do from sunrise to sunset our remaining time is agreeably spent in hunting Buffaloes many

of which


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