MacDonell, John. Description of Lake Athabasca and the Chipweans, ca. 1805 and Journal of a Voyage from Lachine to Fort River Qu'Appelle, 1793. An electronic transcription. MFTP #0005

be made to comprehend – that the same Omnipotent Being has created the world, the heavenly Bodi[es] or Mankind; altho they pay great attention when told of it, but as their contracted ideas allow them to soar no higher than natural objects, made or formed by man, it would be impossible to be able to convey to them this knowledge in such a manner as they might understand it and the time still seems at a great distance when they might attain to a more exalted notion of the Deity however in affairs of a momentous nature they always implore his interposition Whether in regard to the dangers of war, or dread of famine; and previous to any great undertaking they generally allot a certain period of time for fasting which is religiously observed, when in like manner they make Sacrifices and offer up prayers to the master of life as they style him diprecate his wrath on account of their bad lives[.] On the whole they are more afraid of the Devil or Bad Manitou than they are of the great One, as they believe the former to be more wicked and mischievous as they think that he is the hidden cause of their frequently missing their aim while fireing on Animals, and also that he is often the cause of sickness and disease with which they are sometimes inflicted


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